I've been trying to figure out if radio buttons and checkboxes need to be stripped (cleaned?) when sending them via email and how to do so.

I have a contact form that just emails the information. It doesn't touch a database. Do I need to protect the radio buttons and checkboxes when emailing? Is it possible?

I haven't found anything on google regarding securing these when emailing them. I keep coming across a few answers that say that should definitely be protected when sending to a database. The same is found here, or questions regarding how to grab values or create one dynamically. So, I'm at a loss.

Do I secure radio buttons and checkboxes when emailing? Is it possible? Necessary? If so, how do I do it?

Here's what my code looks like, partially:

    $firstName = strip_tags($_POST['firstName']);
    $lastName = strip_tags($_POST['lastName']);
    $email = strip_tags($_POST['emailAddress']);
    $telNum = strip_tags($_POST['phoneNumber']);
    $colors= $_POST['eColors'];
    $additionalComments = strip_tags($_POST['additionalComments']);
    $spamField = strip_tags($_POST['sField']);

    <form id="contact-form" action="" method="post">

            <input type="text" id="nameFirst" name="firstName" /> 
            <label for="nameFirst" class="nameIcon">
                <span>First Name</span>
            <span class="hint">
                <p>Input hint goes here</p>

            <input type="text" id="nameLast" name="lastName" />
            <label for="nameLast" class="nameIcon">
                <span>Last Name</span>
            <span class="hint">
                <p>Input hint goes here</p>

            <input type="email" id="eAddy" name="emailAddress" />
            <label for="eAddy" class="emailIcon">
                <span>Contact Email</span>
            <span class="hint">
                <p>Input hint goes here</p>

            <input type="tel" id="telNum" name="phoneNumber" />
            <label for="telNum" class="contactIcon">
                <span>Contact Number</span>
            <span class="hint">
                <p>Input hint goes here</p>

            <input type="checkbox" id="cbEColors" name="eColors" class="cbSwitch" />
            <label for="cbEColors">Do you expect more color?</label>

            <textarea id="addComments" name="additionalComments"></textarea>
            <label for="addComments" class="messageIcon">
                <span>Additional Comments</span>
            <span class="hint">
                <p>Input hint goes here</p>

        <input type="text" id="sField" class="col" name="sField" />

        <button id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button>


2 Answers 2


I follow a simple but critical rule for PHP security: never trust input values, regardless of their expected type or external validation (eg client side browser validation).

There is a great article on this here.

Hope this helps :)

  • Do you by any chance know how to secure a radio button or checkbox? I know general inputs use strip_tags. IE strip_tags($_POST['phoneNumber']); How do I do that for the other two? Also, yes, that is helpful and I've bookmarked it so I have it. Thank you.
    – Jaime
    Aug 28, 2017 at 3:38
  • The answer to that could vary depending on what possible checkbox values are allowed. Personally I would define an array of accepted values for the field, and do something like: $checkboxValue = (!empty($_POST['checkboxInput']) && in_array($_POST['checkboxInput'], $acceptedValues)) ? $_POST['checkboxInput'] : null; Which checks if the input has a value and if that value is in the array of accepted values. If those conditions are met, $checkboxValue is assigned the value of what was sent, otherwise is set to null.
    – flauntster
    Aug 28, 2017 at 3:44
  • 1
    I just found that in a search. Thank you.
    – Jaime
    Aug 28, 2017 at 3:52

First off, the correct term is sanitized. (You were close)

Also, to be on the safe side, I would. Remember that people can change an input from a checkbox to an input. Even though you aren't submitting this to a database, what if one day you decide to? You will most likely forget about that whole and all of a sudden your production database is compromised.

To make a long post short, yes.

  • Thank you. That cut my searching down a great deal.
    – Jaime
    Aug 28, 2017 at 3:47

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