I am trying to deploy new code at Heroku. The changes I made are simple, no changes to settings or requirements or anything fundamental.
However, when running git push, I get...
=====> Downloading Buildpack: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-python.git
=====> Detected Framework: Python
-----> Installing requirements with pip
ImportError: No module named site
! Push rejected, failed to compile Multipack app.
! Push failed
Does anybody have a clue what may be going on here? I found similar questions already posted, but no clear answer and the proposed solutions didn't work in this case.
Heroku support suggested so far:
$ heroku config:unset PYTHONPATH
$ heroku config:unset PYTHONHOME
Following this, the deployment was possible, but the application stopped working. By adding those variables back, the application was online again, but deployment would again fail.
Looking for a Solution for two days now - I would appreciate any advice.
requirements.txt file is here.
heroku buildpacks:clear
thenheroku buildpacks:add heroku/python
github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-multi.git. When runningheroku buildpacks:clear
I get The BUILDPACK_URL config var is still set and will be used for the next release Removing the variable and executing the suggested steps did not fix the problem. I get the same error.requirements.txt