I have a angular service that provides a login function in order to log in a user:

app.service('AuthSharedService', function($rootScope, $http, authService, UserSession) {
    this.login = function(email, password, rememberMe) {
        return $http.post('/login',
                    'email': email,
                    'password': password,
                    'rememberMe': rememberMe
                console.log("success 1");
                console.log("catch 1");
                console.log("finally 1");
    return this;

I also have a controller that is bound to a HTML login formular:

    function ($scope, $rootScope, $window, $http, $routeParams, AuthSharedService){
        var vm = this;
        vm.login = function (){
            AuthSharedService.login(vm.email, vm.password, vm.rememberMe)
                    console.log("success 2");
                    console.log("catch 2");

So far it is very basic.
But when I delete the database user table and then try to login, I get of course a internal error 500 on the REST server. But the console output of angular then is:

catch 1
success 2

But why? Can't I return a $http in order to use the .then(function()) and the .catch(function()) twice?

thanks for any help :)
best regards


2 Answers 2


When you call .catch, it returns a promise. If you don't returns anything, it will returns an auto resolved promise.

If you want to keep the promise in an error state after a .catch, you can do this:

.catch(function(response) {
    return $q.reject(response);

You can also do this:

var promise = ...;
return promise

But keep in mind that if the catch callback is asynchronous, this code will probably don't behave as you want.


catch returns a new promise which is successful by default; that allows you to create chains which catch errors and then continue with some default success scenario:

    .catch(() => 'default value')
    .then(value => alert(value))

This will either alert the value from returnsPromise, or, if that fails, a default value of 'default value'.

What you want is to return the original $http promise, not the caught promise:

let p = $http.post(...);
return p;

If post() fails, the already attached catch and any other error handlers you may attach will get called if an error occurs. Conversely, only if p is successful will the success handlers be called (and catch won't).

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