In the ADB2C user registration flow you have an picture on the left & the form on the right. Is there an easy way to change the picture on the left? I don't want to redesign the whole page.

2 Answers 2


Full customization which includes your own HTML/CSS is available for all the Azure AD B2C user flows including the "sign-up or sign-in policies" which offers a combined - registration and login - policy.

The "sign-in" policy type is the only one that offers the ability to customize via the "company branding" feature which needs only a picture upload. enter image description here

All other flows require upload of HTML/CSS content. A template is available. Full customization is documented here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-reference-ui-customization

Page UI Customization is under Policy->Edit policy->Page UI Customization->Select page->provide source URI enter image description here



How you get to Company Branding has changed, see this SO Answer.


Yes. Go to Users and Groups -> Company Branding -> Edit -> Sign-in page background image.

I couldn't find an official documentation on learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory-b2c to reference, unfortunately.

user and groups link

company branding -> edit

set background pic


  • Thanks you very much for the answer. Unfortunately this doesn't answer my question. I know that the login flow is like this. I wanted it for the registration flow.
    – John Finch
    Sep 5, 2017 at 15:12
  • np @JohnFinch. It should apply to all policies. It is only working on my edit policy though. I'm going to open another SO question for that. Sep 5, 2017 at 15:32

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