I'm trying to populate some labels and trackbars inside a groupBox. I'm using a List to define the count of them. But i'm having trouble to placing them correctly. This form will be a simple poll about personnel and when i select a personel from comboBox, questions will be pulled from a csv file and stored in a List to use in several parts of program.

Here's my current code:

private void InitializeUI()
        pList = Database_IO.ParsePersonelData();
        fList = Database_IO.ParseFactorData();

        foreach (Personel p in pList)
            personelCB.Items.Add(p.personelName + " " + p.personelSurname);

        List<Label> labels = new List<Label>();
        List<TrackBar> tBars = new List<TrackBar>();
        foreach (Factor f in fList)
            Label l = new Label
                Text = f.factorName
            l.Parent = evalGroup;

            TrackBar t = new TrackBar();
            t.Parent = evalGroup;

And this is what i'm trying to do. Dynamically. How can i achieve this?

And this is what i'm trying to do. Dynamically.

1 Answer 1


this.Controls.Add(t) adds trackbar to Form container. You should rather add it to groupBox container:


You also have to place them accordingly using Location property and DockStyle

  • Ah thank you! As you can see, i was desperately trying to make those children of groupBox (but failed terribly). But i still need to fix Dock and Location. There was Grid Layout in Java, is there anything similar in c#? So i can easily place them.
    – Baycosinus
    Commented Sep 9, 2017 at 17:41
  • I suggest TableLayoutPanel, it's a bit tricky in the beginning to use it, but it gives all the positioning control you need. Commented Sep 9, 2017 at 17:57

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