I have following PoJo:

public class KostenpflichtigeBuchung {
    private String buchungZahlungsId;

    private String warenkorbId;

    private String pseudocardpan;

    private Zahlungsmittel zahlungsmittel;

    private String landKreditkartenInhaber;

    private String nameKreditkartenInhaber;

    private String touchpointId;

    private String vertriebspartnerId;

    private Kundendaten kundendaten;

    private Fulfillmentart fulfillmentart;

    private final List<Reisender> reisenderList = new ArrayList<>();

    private Map<String, Object> payload;

    public Map<String, Object> getPayload() {
        return payload;

    public void setPayload(String name, Object value) {

        if (payload == null) {
            payload = new HashMap<>();
        payload.put(name, value);

When I execute a cucumber Test on it, I get the following Exception:

org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type [class de.db.vendo.bue.buchung.model.KostenpflichtigeBuchung] and content type [application/json;charset=utf-8]

    at org.springframework.web.client.HttpMessageConverterExtractor.extractData(HttpMessageConverterExtractor.java:109)
    at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate$ResponseEntityResponseExtractor.extractData(RestTemplate.java:917)
    at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate$ResponseEntityResponseExtractor.extractData(RestTemplate.java:901)
    at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(RestTemplate.java:655)
    at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(RestTemplate.java:613)
    at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.exchange(RestTemplate.java:531)

I have some other test and other POJO with the same annotation which are working without any problems. I have really not a single idea what is going wrong.

Thank for any suggestion!

  • Have you checked this link already?
    – mcelikel
    Sep 25, 2017 at 15:00

1 Answer 1


Most probably issue between lombok constructor annotations and related generated constructors, often when I face this error, I just revert response class to @NoArgConstructor only and try again.

If you really need all these constructors and builders, try to code them manually and go with @JsonCreator like describe in this thread.

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