When i generate a new rmarkdown file (or open existing rmarkdown-files) and try to run a rmarkdown chunk, i get this error: "Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name". I have Win10 and did a fresh install of R and Rstudio yesterday. What did i miss? Where does this error come from?

```{r cars}

```{r cars} Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name

enter image description here

  • Not able to reproduce the problem using knitr_1.17 and windows 10
    – akrun
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 8:23
  • I would have quessed so. The code is the default-code from any new rmarkdown-file and until yesterday, it worked well on my machine. I have no explanation where this error comes from.
    – SEMson
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 8:24
  • Do you save the global environment when you log out. Possibly, it could pollute the env. Try data(cars) and then execute the summary(cars)
    – akrun
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 8:25
  • R u saying that when you used data(cars), it is working? In that case, it could be a problem of saving in the global env.
    – akrun
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 8:29

10 Answers 10


Putting this as an answer for visibility: this happens if you try to run by selecting all in the Rmd and pressing enter like you would with a normal R script. RStudio tries to run this all as R code, including the markdown parts, leading to the errors you saw.

You can avoid this by running an individual chunk by clicking the green play button or by selecting one of the run options in the dropdown at the top of the Rmd editor.

  • 5
    ctrl+shift+enter (cursor positioned anywhere within the chunk) will run the entire code chunk if saved as .Rmd first.
    – val
    Commented Oct 16, 2018 at 17:46

For me the issue was that I had a missing backtick in the closing code block. In other words, it looked like the following (note that there are only two closing backticks, not three as there should be).

# do some stuff

So the two backticks were being processed as part of the code block, which is legal code for supplying a variable name such as e.g.


But since no variable name was provided between the backticks, I was getting the "attempt to use zero-length variable name" error.

  • 1
    Oh yeah! This is a likely cause as well!
    – Jan Sila
    Commented Apr 11, 2022 at 20:11
  • something similar happened with me too. My backticks were on the same line as the last line of the code, e.g. summary(a4)``` and I got the error Commented May 2 at 10:00

The problem could be due to the object being changed in the global environment in an earlier session and that session got saved in the global ennvironment. It is better to not save anything in the global environment, while ending the Rstudio session (or R console). One option would be to call the data(cars) again so that we get the original dataset

title: "Untitled"
  html_document: default
  'html_document:': default

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```{r cars}

-output enter image description here

One option to avoid these kind of surprises is to use the "Don't save" option while quitting the session

enter image description here

  • 2
    Thanks. I just realized, that it appears, if i select the lines and run them, but it doesnt, if i click the green arrow to run the current chunk.
    – SEMson
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 9:42
  • 1
    This was the solution that worked for me; slightly different symptom, but similar error.
    – RichardBJ
    Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 11:23

check the header's.. very top of the script / page..

title: "R Notebook" -->
author: "your_name_here" -->
date: "28/05/2022" -->
output: html_document --> 'notebook' returns 'zero-length' error..

from above, change...

output: html_notebook


output: html_document

I got the same message, my error was to have four backtick in one of the block codes


In my case this issue was caused by copying the sequence "''' {r}" into the R studio document. After manually re-entering this phrase, everything worked fine and I successfully generated a markdown file.


I had the same error. The problem was that comments within the code chunk had missing '#´s. The particular code chunk partially executed, showing the results and a syntax warning (but the markdown did not knit) What happened what that I used the keyboard short cut of 'CTRL+AlT+I" to insert a code chunk and it 'swallowed' the comments. A sneaky error to be sure.


I had the following code in my R Studio to suppress some warnings. What I wanted to do was hide all possible output but still evaluate the code, e.g., hide text output (results='hide'), hide warnings, hide messages

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'}

When I got rid of those lines, I stopped getting the error as well.

Hope that helps.

I still get the same error, could you help? I am trying to copy the code for Iran from https://github.com/timchurches/blog/blob/master/_posts/2020-02-18-analysing-covid-19-2019-ncov-outbreak-data-with-r-part-1/analysing-covid-19-2019-ncov-outbreak-data-with-r-part-1.Rmd.


What this error means

In R, it's possible to create variables whose names contain spaces, punctuation, parentheses, etc. To do this, we use backticks (`) around the variable name:

> `variable with space and special characters in the name (??!!)` <- 1
> print(`variable with space and special characters in the name (??!!)`)
[1] 1

However, there is a constraint: the variable name must contain at least one character:

> `` <- 1
Error: attempt to use a variable name with zero length

Since ` is also used a lot in Markdown, this can lead to confusing situations. Let's examine some cases.

Trying to run the ```{r} line

If you're positioned on the ```{r} line and press Ctrl+Enter, you'll receive this same error message. Just move the cursor to a line within the code block that you want to run.

{r} "tag" not added

You can get this error if the {r} tag is forgotten after the initial ```. For example, if you have the block above and press Ctrl+Enter, you will get the error:

a <- 1

If you change it as shown below, it works:

a <- 1

I'm not totally sure what happens at the parsing level to lead to this error... But happens so often and so consistently that it deserves a mention here.

Forgetting a backtick at the end ```

If you miss a backtick at the end of the block, as shown below...

a <- 1


... and you execute Run current chunk, this error will occur.

Trying to run an Rmarkdown file as an R script

Rmarkdown files include documentation in addition to code. If you try to execute them as if they were had code onlu and, for example, there's a block at the beginning of the file, this error message might appear. This can happen if you attempt to run something like R file.Rmd from the terminal or select the entire content of an article in RStudio and press Ctrl+Enter.

These are just a few examples. The possible causes are numerous! In some cases, it might even be bugs in a particular package. Even so, having these cases in mind might help to clarify what's going on.


This approach involves selecting (highlighting) the R code only (summary(pressure)), not any of the backticks/fences from the code chunk. (If you see Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name it is because you have accidentally highlighted the backticks along with the R code........source: https://rstudio-conf-2020.github.io/r-for-excel/rstudio.html

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