I am trying to suppress warnings by using the suppressWarnings() function.

Surprisingly, it removes warnings when used normally, but it fails to do so when you use the pipe %>% operator.

Here is some example code :


c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% as.numeric()
# [1]  1  2 NA
# Warning message:
# In function_list[[k]](value) : NAs introduced by coercion

c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% as.numeric() %>% suppressWarnings
# [1]  1  2 NA
# Warning message:
# In function_list[[i]](value) : NAs introduced by coercion

suppressWarnings(c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% as.numeric())
# [1]  1  2 NA

Why does it work with parenthesis but not with pipe operator ? Is there a specific syntax I should use to make it work ?

  • 5
    Another workaround could be c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% {suppressWarnings(as.numeric(.))}
    – talat
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 12:35
  • 7
    I don't expect there is a way to do what you are trying to do. The pipe operator takes the object returned by the preceding call and pushes it forward to the succeeding call. Warnings are not part of the objects; they are cast when they occur, and cannot be passed from one function to the next. I think the most readable solution is to wrap suppressWarnings around the full chain of calls.
    – Benjamin
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 12:47
  • I guess you would have same problem with try (to capture errors)
    – Cath
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 12:50
  • I think @Benjamin answers the first question very well and thus make the second one irrelevant. Thanks sir ! Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 12:58
  • if occurring in an RMarkdown script, you could add warning = FALSE to the chunk options.
    – Sam Firke
    Commented May 4, 2018 at 16:35

1 Answer 1


One solution would be to use the %T>% pipes to modify options (from magrittr, not included in dplyr!)

c("1", "2", "ABC") %T>% {options(warn=-1)} %>% as.numeric() %T>% {options(warn=0)}

You could also use purrr::quietly, not so pretty in this case...

c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% {quietly(as.numeric)}() %>% extract2("result")
c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% map(quietly(as.numeric)) %>% map_dbl("result")

for the sake of completeness, here are also @docendo-discimus 's solution and OP's own workaround

c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% {suppressWarnings(as.numeric(.))} 
suppressWarnings(c("1", "2", "ABC") %>% as.numeric())

And I'm stealing @Benjamin's comment as to why the original try doesn't work :

Warnings are not part of the objects; they are cast when they occur, and cannot be passed from one function to the next


The linked solution will allow you to just write c("1", "2", "ABC") %W>% as.numeric

Custom pipe to silence warnings

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