I would like my website to create search-engine-optimized links for dynamic content (instead of locating data via the querystring). So:

instead of


Aside from a smart 404 handler that redirects requests, or a custom mime-type handler in IIS, is there a good solution for this in ASP.NET?
Keeping in mind that the page file name must be able to be changed at run-time.


4 Answers 4


You can use a HttpHandler, as seen here.


this is a broad topic generally referred to as URL rewriting...

there are several ways to accomplish this. I would suggest looking into the IIS Rewrite Module.

You should probably also investigate the URL routing capabalities that were developed for MVC and are available in ASP.NET 3.51

UPDATE: I wish I knew more about your intentions. That last sentence confuses me.


I've done this in the past with UrlRewrite.Net. There is also a built in facility for this in IIS7


Thanks for everyone's thoughts. With the information provided, I came across what I think is the solution I need:

In the Global.asax (or via an HttpModule), listen to the BeginRequest event and apply Context.Rewrite path there:

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string fullOrigionalpath = Request.Url.ToString();

    if (fullOrigionalpath.ToLower().Contains("/Games".ToLower()))


And then, on the OnPreInit method of the page that will handle these requests, Rewrite path needs to be applied again so that PostBacks will work appropriately:

protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)

    if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null)
    if (Request.QueryString["id"].ToLower().Equals("games"))
        Context.RewritePath("Games", "", "id=Games");

The key that makes this work better than a lot of URL-rewriting modules I came across is that the paths can be dynamic. That is, the created URLs can be data-driven.

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