I'm automating QA testing for a marketing sim. I'm using BrowserStack and Nightwatch in node.js

I want to jump to a specific webpage during a run - trouble is, there is a unique course code that will change with each test run within the URL (eg. .../8759309/...). This course code stays constant throughout all the pages I want to go to. In this example, I want to save the current URL (www.domain.com/8759309/page-i-have) to a string so that I can insert the course code and jump to the next page (www.domain.com/8675309/page-i-want).

There seems to be a function in protractor for this (browser.getCurrentUrl()) but I can't seem to find one for NightWatch.

My question is, does such a function exist in NightWatch, and if not, can you think of any workarounds?

  • If you know the domain, the course #, and the name of the final page... is there some reason you can't put those three together and make the URL from scratch?
    – JeffC
    Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 1:44
  • That's just it, I won't know the course code, since it changes every time. Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 14:46
  • My guess is that you can get it from parsing a link on the page that contains the course code, e.g. get the href from an A tag and parse out the course #.
    – JeffC
    Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 15:11

4 Answers 4


There is a way in Nightwatch but you didn't notice that, simply use browser.url() without argument but a callback can get the current URL.

var savedUrl='';

Check the api for details:

  • 2
    How can I use this variable outside the function scope?
    – Basti
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 13:56

Nightwatch doesn't have that kind of a command built in. Since it sounds like you'd be using that functionality a lot, what I would do is write a javascript command to do that work, for you. you could even call it .getCurrentUrl. There's some documentation on creating custom commands, here: http://nightwatchjs.org/guide#writing-custom-commands

You could try using window.location.href to retrieve the url of the window, then save it as a string.


You also need to dereference the value

var savedUrl='';

I had to use .perform() to be able to use the current url variable.

let currentUrl;
browser.url(function(result) {
  currentUrl = result.value;
browser.perform(done => {

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