I have this search bar:

enter image description here

I dont want user to make a full search because there are like 40000 records on database and it will take a while.

So I split that in 2 options and I have the first field as required,

<select required name="field1" id="destination" tabindex="-1" class="select2-hidden-accessible" aria-hidden="true"> <option name="country" value="">Field</option> <option name="country" value="%">Any destination</option> </select>

But I need to remove that required field if they choose Field 2 or Field 3.

So I think best practice is to do something like onchange and remove that required with something like this .removeAttribute("required")?

Whats the easiest way to do that? Vanilla or JQuery? I am a beginner on JavaScript so any feedback would be helpful.


4 Answers 4


You can do like this using jquery: (Assuming that field2 and field3 are id of those dropdown fields.)

    var field2 = '';
    var field3 = '';
        field = $(this).val();
        field3 = $(this).val();
    function removeRequired(){
      if(field2 != '' && field3 != '')
  • 1
    Yeap that worked, just had to to change && to || cause I just wanted one of these fields... Cheers
    – Maria
    Sep 21, 2017 at 9:45

You can simply add this one


Pseudo code to do this:

if(field2.value || field3.value) {

Hope this helps!


You can either use jquery removeAttr function or use javascript removeAttribute function

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