I would like to use the same terraform template for several dev and production environments.
My approach: As I understand it, the resource name needs to be unique, and terraform stores the state of the resource internally. I therefore tried to use variables for the resource names - but it seems to be not supported. I get an error message:
$ terraform plan
Enter a value: abc
Error asking for user input: Error parsing address 'aws_sqs_queue.SqsIntegrationOrderIn${var.env1}': invalid resource address "aws_sqs_queue.SqsIntegrationOrderIn${var.env1}"
My terraform template:
variable "env1" {}
provider "aws" {
region = "ap-southeast-2"
resource "aws_sqs_queue" "SqsIntegrationOrderIn${var.env1}" {
name = "Integration_Order_In__${var.env1}"
message_retention_seconds = 86400
receive_wait_time_seconds = 5
I think, either my approach is wrong, or the syntax. Any ideas?