Following the jekyll documentation found here: I was trying to install and change a gem based theme so I have chosen the jekyll-theme-primer for this and I've run the following command and instructed under the section:
gem "jekyll-theme-primer"
and got this error:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
Unknown command jekyll-theme-awesome
After doing some research I've found that I should have added install to my query as described here: While executing gem, unknown command
After running this:
gem install "jekyll-theme-primer"
I successfully installed the primer gem based theme and got the following confirmation:
Successfully installed jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.2
Parsing documentation for jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.2
Done installing documentation for jekyll-theme-primer after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
First question: Was the official documentation incorrect or am I missing something?
I proceeded to run the bundle install command:
bundle install
and replaced my current minima theme from the _config.yml with the jekyll-theme-primer by adding/replacing this line:
theme: jekyll-theme-primer
Now when I tried to run either the:
jekyll serve
or the:
bundle exec jekyll serve
commands, I get the following error:
jekyll 3.5.2 | Error: The jekyll-theme-primer theme could not be found.
So why it can't find the gem theme if the installation was successful?
source ""
. Then you can search for jekyll-theme-primer and get usage info there