Previously I used to create my helper CSS to aid rapid development. The contents of helper CSS were like:


and in HTML I could use <div class="margin-10"></div>

But then found SASS and it's amazing. It really helped me developing applications fast especially its mixin feature. But I have a problem. Here is a scenario.

SCSS Mixin is:

@mixin border-radius($radius) {
-webkit-border-radius: $radius;
 -moz-border-radius: $radius;
  -ms-border-radius: $radius;
      border-radius: $radius;

 .box {
   @include border-radius(10px);

in HTML I can use <div class="box"></div>

Is there any possibility to create dynamic classes? For example if I use <div class="margin-left-10"></div> it automatically creates margin left class using mixin. If I use <div class="padding-top-100"></div> padding-top-100 class is automatically created and manipulated using SASS mixin


1 Answer 1


Here a mixin that could help you :

@mixin createMargin($min, $max)
  @for $i from $min to $max+1
      margin : 1px * $i !important

       margin-top: 1px * $i !important

       margin-left : 1px * $i !important

       margin-right: 1px * $i !important

      margin-bottom: 1px * $i !important

@include createMargin(0, 100) // Choose your min and max value

So you will just have to use <div class="XXX margin-top-40"></div> to have a 40px margin top on your div

  • But this would generate all margin classes from 0-100, right? What about compilation? Will only those classes be compiled which I used or it will compile margin classes ranging 0 to 100. Sep 25, 2017 at 15:26
  • Yes the problem is that this would generate all margin classes from 0 - 100 :/ Sep 25, 2017 at 15:31

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