I couldn't understand the role of defining an abstract class / interface for the factory class, which is something i always see in all tutorials on the web. Can somebody please put some light on the importance of CreatorInterface ? Reference UML Diagram of the Factory Pattern
To put in code form, here's what i have :
Code Example 1
// Product
public abstract class Vehicle
public string VehicleType { get; set; }
// Concrete Product
public class Bike : Vehicle
public Bike()
VehicleType = "Two Wheeler";
// Concrete Product
public class Car : Vehicle
public Car()
VehicleType = "Four Wheeler";
// Concrete Factory
public class VehicleFactory
public Vehicle GetVehicle(string VehicleType)
if (VehicleType == "Bike")
return new Bike();
else if (VehicleType == "Car")
return new Car();
return null;
// Client class
public class ClientClass
public void Main()
VehicleFactory VehicleFactoryObj = new VehicleFactory();
Vehicle BikeObj = VehicleFactoryObj.GetVehicle("Bike");
Vehicle CarObj = VehicleFactoryObj.GetVehicle("Car");
The above code doesn't contain any abstract class for the 'VehicleFactory' class. But it works fine. Now, what can be the reasons for adding an abstract class for the 'VehicleFactory' ? In my view adding an abstract class will make sense for the Abstract Factory method. [Please correct me if i'm wrong]
Update : Adding my understanding of the Factory Pattern so far.
Definition by GoF :
Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method lets a class defer instantiation it uses to subclasses.
As far as i could understand, the core problem statement behind the pattern is that you want to create instances of different classes, without exposing the creation logic to the consumer. Please let me know if i'm getting anything wrong here. I am a little confused here too, because of the examples i see on the web. For e.g on Wiki, the Php and C# examples. I could digest the requirement of the pattern in C# example, but not in PHP example. Anyways, below statements will help you to understand my question clearly.
For instance, we have two vehicle classes Bike and Car in our library, and both of them has vehicle model number. The Bike model number starts with "BK" and car model numbers start with "CR". Now, we wish to return instance of either of the classes depending of the Vehicle Model Number, without exposing the logic to the client. [Note This is an updated scenario, i am putting up since the earlier one had a weak logic of deciding the class, and created confusion over the use of string]
So we can create a vehicle factory class, which exposes a static method that returns the appropriate vehicle instance.
If selection logic is to be known to the client, then i might not have needed the pattern itself. So, the could would look like :
Code Example 2
// Product
public abstract class Vehicle
public int NumberOfWheels { get; set; }
// Concrete Product
public class Bike : Vehicle
public Bike()
NumberOfWheels = 2;
// Concrete Product
public class Car : Vehicle
public Car()
NumberOfWheels = 4;
// Client class
public class ClientClass
public void Main()
String ModelNumber = "BK-125";
Vehicle CurrentVehicle;
if (ModelNumber.Contains("BK"))
CurrentVehicle = new Bike();
else if(ModelNumber.Contains("CR"))
CurrentVehicle = new Car();
The Factory Pattern let's me simply hide the creational logic from the client by creating a factory. Thus the Client now just needs to call the Factory's create method, and he'll get the appropriate class instance in return. Now the code will look like.
Code Example 3
// Product
public abstract class Vehicle
public int NumberOfWheels { get; set; }
// Concrete Product
public class Bike : Vehicle
public Bike()
NumberOfWheels = 2;
// Concrete Product
public class Car : Vehicle
public Car()
NumberOfWheels = 4;
// Concrete Factory
public class VehicleFactory
public Vehicle GetVehicle(string ModelNumber)
if (ModelNumber.Contains("BK"))
return new Bike();
else if (ModelNumber.Contains("CR"))
return new Car();
return null;
// Client class
public class ClientClass
public void Main()
VehicleFactory VehicleFactoryObj = new VehicleFactory();
Vehicle BikeObj = VehicleFactoryObj.GetVehicle("BK-125");
Vehicle CarObj = VehicleFactoryObj.GetVehicle("CR-394");
Now the question comes about the abstract factory class
One benefit of adding an abstract factory class, which i understood from the discussion is that the Client will then be able to override the 'GetVehicle' method to override the logic. For a case where he might have created more vehicle classes for example a 'Truck'. But even in this case, if he want's to override the factory method for all three namely Bike, Car and Truck, he will not be have the entire logic with him as the logic for Bike and Car creation is written in Factory method. Although he will be able to create a new logic for all his new vehicle types. Can someone please put some light on this ?
I more point i want to make here is that This question is regarding the Factory Pattern, i do understand that Abstract Factory pattern will require an Abstract Factory, since in Abstract Factory pattern we're creating Factory of Factories. But in Factory pattern we just have a factory of objects, then why do we need an interface for a factory ?
Thanks in advance !! :-)
public Vehicle GetVehicle(string vehicleType)