I am trying to integrate animation in a module where, when the dismiss button is clicked, the entire pendingTasksBar view's height turn to 0dp but at a stretch of 300ms. This is what i have tried so far. Can someone please help me out here?

function hidePendingTasksBar(){
    log.trace("[tasks]  >>  [hidePendingTasksBar]");

    var animationObj = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
        height : "0dp",
        duration : 300
    //.pendingTasksBar.height = "0dp";

2 Answers 2


Height property must be a Number, and you are using a String. I think that's the problem. Try using 0 instead of "0dp".



Setting height to 0 as number should work. And if it doesn't work, then you can safely use matrix transformation to decrease height or to increase it to same height again as below:

var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
matrix = matrix.scale(1, 0);

// to decrease height
    duration : 300,
    transform : matrix

// to reset height
    duration : 300,
    transform : Ti.UI.create2DMatrix()   // use empty matrix & it will reset original matrix or UI.

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