I have three DataSets. DataSet 1 has all the parent Ids, DataSet 2 has children of DataSet 1 and DataSet 3 has children of DataSet3.

I want to build a DataSet of tree like structures with Id of DataSet1 as root node.

DataSet 1-


DataSet 2-


DataSet 3-


Result Should be like this if don't specify any root node or if I want the children nodes or not:

GetTree(null, false);

    ..... //All Root Nodes and their children

But If I Provide an Id and also provide if I want the Id's children. GetTree("BB", true);


GetTree("BB", false);


I know I can do this with Nested Foreach but I want to write a recursive function to perform this operation. I have been searching the Internet for 2 days now for some examples and not able to do this. Any reference to a website would also help me alot.

1 Answer 1


Foreach is probably still the way to go, but instead of nested, you would just use it once for each 'node'.

public class MyDataSet
    public string ID {get;set;}
    public string Description {get;set;}
    public readonly List<MyDataSet> Children = new List<MyDataSet>();
    public bool HasChildren 
        get { return Children.Count > 0 }
    public void GetTree(string id, bool includeChildren)
        MyDataSet mySet = id == null ? this : Children.FirstOrDefault(child => child.ID == id);

        if(mySet == null) return;
        // TODO: handle mySet

            foreach (MyDataSet child in Children)
                child.GetTree(null, true);

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