I am trying to add the tinyMCE editor to my page, remove it, then add it again but am getting errors.

When I run Part A, then Part B, Than Part A again I get the error:

Error: g.win.document is null
Source File: tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js Line: 1

Part A

    'mode' : 'exact',
    'elements' : '" + ctrl.ID + "Editor',
    'plugins' : 'insertdatetime,TVCMSLink,TVCMSImage',
    'theme' : 'advanced',
    'theme_advanced_layout_manager' : 'SimpleLayout',
    'theme_advanced_buttons1' : 'backcolor, forecolor, |, bold, underline, strikethrough, |, numlist, bullist, charmap, |, undo, redo, |, anchor, link, tvlink, unlink',
    'theme_advanced_buttons2' : '',
    'theme_advanced_buttons3' : ''

Part B

tinyMCE.getInstanceById('" + ctrl.ID + "Editor').remove();


Below is the full JavaScript function. The first time through it opens the dialog and works, the contents is in the editor and there is no error. When I click the close button, the dialog is closed. When I run the function again, the dialog displays but the editor is empty and there is the above error.

function show_HP1B0() {
    type: 'post',
    url: 'genericHandler.ashx',
    data: 'cmd=select&tableName=ExtraBlocks&id=4',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
        tinyMCE.init({                 'mode' : 'exact', 
            'elements' : 'HP1B0Editor', 
            'plugins' : 'insertdatetime,Link,Image',
            'theme' : 'advanced',
            'theme_advanced_layout_manager' : 'SimpleLayout',
            'theme_advanced_buttons1' : 'backcolor, forecolor, |, bold, underline, strikethrough, |, numlist, bullist, charmap, |, undo, redo, |, anchor, link, tvlink, unlink',
            'theme_advanced_buttons2' : '',
            'theme_advanced_buttons3' : ''
        var dlg = $('#ctl00_EXTRA_HTML_0_HP1B0Editor').dialog({
            modal: false,
            draggable: false,
            position: 'center',
            zIndex: 99999,  // Above the overlay
            width: 370,
            title: 'Content Block Editor',
            closeText: '',
            open: function () {
                $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
                if ($.browser.msie) { $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden'); } $('<div>').attr('id', 'loader').appendTo('body').show();
            close: function () { $('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); if ($.browser.msie) { $('html').css('overflow', 'auto'); } $('#loader').remove(); },
            buttons: {
                'Save': function () {
                'Cancel': function () {
    error: function(data) {
  • 1
    I don't know how this editor works but i'd check to make sure when you call remove it isn't removing the elements from the page also. Commented Jan 10, 2011 at 21:34

14 Answers 14


To cleanly remove an editor instance and avoid any errors use:

tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveControl',true, editor_id);

To reinitialize the instance use:

tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddControl',true, editor_id);

Be aware that when moving TinyMCE editors in the DOM you need to removeControl and addControl too, otherwise it results in JS errors.

As of TinyMCE 4 the methods to remove and reinitialize an instance are now...

To cleanly remove an editor instance and avoid any errors use:

tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor',true, editor_id);

To reinitialize the instance use:

tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddEditor',true, editor_id);
  • 4
    I am getting NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED in firefox, Can you help me on this? Thanks
    – TheFoxLab
    Commented Apr 13, 2015 at 13:52
  • @Thariama : I have tried above solution but it's didn't worked for re-initialize tinymce object. But i have fixed myself to adding tinyMce.Editors = [].
    – TheFoxLab
    Commented Apr 14, 2015 at 9:21
  • @Rajnish: are you using tinymce3 or tinymce4?
    – Thariama
    Commented Apr 14, 2015 at 10:11
  • 1
    @Rajnish see my answer - I was able to get firefox to work by forcing tinyMCE to save before I removed it. Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 22:39
  • 1
    For those running into the NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED issue with Firefox as mentioned by @Rajnish: upgrading to the latest (4.4.3 at this time) version fixes it.
    – Michielvv
    Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 12:52

Late to the party but it might save someone the headache. Here's what worked for me on version 4.2.4 (2015-08-17):

tinymce.EditorManager.editors = []; 

Then I could re-init an editor on the same dynamically created div


Edit : 2020-06-20

With version: 5.2.x, do



  • 3
    This is the best solution that also works when using multiple editors
    – eztam
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 22:11
  • 1
    @Eric Thanks a lot :D .. I spent the whole day with my tinyMCE inside ASP.Net update panel on Firefox and thought there is no hope. Thanks
    – hsobhy
    Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 3:45
  • 1
    Definitely the best solution. I'd previously used tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor'); but it wasn't re-initializing.
    – lintuxvi
    Commented Sep 23, 2016 at 1:37
  • 1
    Tried this and all other solutions found here. I try to reset the menu/button bars but my custom menus/buttons remains, whatever I do!
    – Jonny
    Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 21:53
  • 1
    One more to the party - this is what saved me after no other answers in no other threads would.
    – ESR
    Commented Dec 6, 2016 at 12:33

This works for me:

if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined") {
  if (tinyMCE.activeEditor == null || tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() != false) {
    tinyMCE.editors=[]; // remove any existing references
  • This did not work for me in Firefox and it doesn't work if you have more than one editor. Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 22:38
  • tinymce.init(); not work for me...After add tinyMCE.editors=[]; before .tinymce.init(); works perfectly..thanks..!! Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 8:02

It is now possible to just do

tinymce.remove("#id .class or tag");
  • And you don't need any timeout to call init again. Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 9:17
  • 3
    And tinymce.remove() with no argument removes all editors.
    – arlomedia
    Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 20:41
  • This is the cleanest one. Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 6:31

In case you have more editors with different settings, this is the way to reastart them preserving settings.

tinymce.EditorManager.editors.forEach(function(editor) {
    // code injection
    var old_global_settings = tinymce.settings;
    tinymce.settings = editor.settings;
    tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', false, editor.id);
    tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddEditor', false, editor.id);
    tinymce.settings = old_global_settings;
  • This worked great for me, gave me a way to make the editor read only on the fly. There are plenty of other suggestions out there that say to set the property on the iframe, but this works MUCH better. Commented Feb 18, 2016 at 3:51
  • You're saving the old settings, destroying the old editor, making a new one and then assigning the old settings to this editor, but you do this for each editor instance on the page. It's easy as that!
    – rioted
    Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 15:50
  • 1
    Gotta deep clone tinymce.EditorManager.editors for the for loop as execCommand manipulates tinymce.EditorManager.editors while the sync loop is going on.
    – Hao Chang
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 1:37

Ok. just a word of caution.

If you have, say.. total of 5 textareas where you want to add/ remove tinymce instances.


you want to do this more than once on a given page, Then its better to look for an alternative solution for your requirement.

Why?.. because even though everything would work fine, all the detaching and re-attaching of tinymce is going to take much time to execute. The browser will offer to stop the script for you etc.

source : my own experience where i tried keeping different textareas in separate hidden divs, and show it to the user when required.

  • Did you find alternative js widget?
    – matus
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 14:34
  • i was waiting for this answer. Just testing on 2 textarea script took 300 - 400ms for execution. Tried multiple reinitialize solution still had this huge performance hit. Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 7:53

Try this:


    setTimeout(function () {
        selector: 'textarea',
        menubar: false,
        height: "300",
        plugins: [
            'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor textcolor ksfm',
            'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen',
            'insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste code help'
        toolbar: 'undo redo | fontselect fontsizeselect styleselect | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bold italic underline strikethrough | link table | ksfm'

    }, 1);
  • 2
    I tried everything: using mceRemoveControl, mceRemoveEditor and tinyMCE.get(...).remove(). Adding a simple timout worked for me! Thanks
    – DerpyNerd
    Commented Feb 24, 2019 at 14:52
  • 1
    why is the setTimeout needed?
    – gerl
    Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 22:39
// Remove all editors bound to divs

// Remove all editors bound to textareas

// Remove all editors

// Remove specific instance by id

from the tinymce documentation

  • 1
    tinymce.remove() actually did the trick for me. Many thanks
    – Anxifer
    Commented Jan 11 at 8:20

Try this:

    var default_value_1 = 'test';
    var default_value_2 = 'test';


        selector: '#id_element_1',
        plugins: 'print preview searchreplace autolink directionality visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media template codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor wordcount imagetools contextmenu colorpicker textpattern help code',
        toolbar: "code formatselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify  | numlist bullist outdent indent  | removeformat"
        editors[0].setContent(default_value_1 || '');

        selector: '#id_element_2',
        plugins: 'print preview searchreplace autolink directionality visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media template codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor wordcount imagetools contextmenu colorpicker textpattern help code',
        toolbar: "code formatselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify  | numlist bullist outdent indent  | removeformat"
        editors[0].setContent(default_value_2 || '');

Just update it !

if you are looking at this to reset the content of the editor, instead of destroying it and initializing it again you can simply change the content like this

var editor = tinymce.get('editor_id'); //the id of your textarea
editor.setContent(content);  //any html as string

To remove existing tinymce editor and add new needs clearance of tinymce.EditorManager.editors array. This solution works in both cases : 1. If you have only one editor and you want to remove and add it again. 2. If you have multiple editors and you want to remove some special editor and add it again.


This will give you a view of the array and exact index of you desired editor which you want to remove. For example one sample output of above console can be:


This is the output of the console when i have two tinymce editors on textareas : #textarea-1 and #textarea-2 Lets suppose I want to delete #textarea-2 and re-add it then it can be done as follows:

tinymce.EditorManager.editors.splice(1, 1);//removing second element in array.
delete tinymce.EditorManager.editors['textarea-2'];//deleting respective textarea id from array

Then you can add it again simply using init:


If you have only one textarea associated with tinymce editor lets say : #textarea-1 and you want to remove and re-initialize it then you can just empty tinymce.EditorManager.editors by :

tinymce.EditorManager.editors = [];

And then you can add using init command as explained above. Worked for me without any error.

I hope it helps


All the above solutions didn't work for me ... This worked fine in my popup close event

var editor = tinyMCE.get('txtMailingText');
if (editor!=null) {

For what its worth, I ended up doing this:

  1. Try to remove the editor right before I add it to the page (this worked for chrome)
  2. Before I remove the editor, trigger a save. This was important for firefox for some reason.

Here is what it looked like to add the editor:

  $(function() {
    tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor',true, 'fred');
    #{tinymce_javascript(:simple_editor, {height: 150, :selector => 'fred'})}

  $(document).on('click', '.tinyMCE-save', function(event) {
    return true;

I had an explict click that removed the editor:

<a href="#" class="tinyMCE-save cool-js-click-handler">Cancel</a>

In the beginning I used:

tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, id);
tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, id);

But those commands run asynchronous, so the add command would often fail. As a workaround, I would:

tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, id);
setTimeout(function() {
    tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, id);
}, 500);

But I hated this solution, because it appeared slower to the user and even so you couldn't be sure that 500 milliseconds was enough if the computer was slow.

Now I'm using:

    selector: id

I'm not sure why this works, but it works and this code doesn't have any of the asynchronous issues that the old code I used had.

Try it here: https://jsfiddle.net/g0u059au/

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