I know this is more a ruby question than chef, but...

I have some attributes like:

default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace1']['some_attribute1'] = 'some_value1'
default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace1']['some_attribute2'] = 'some_value2'
default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace1']['some_attribute2'] = 'some_value3'
default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace2']['some_attribute1'] = 'some_value1'
default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace2']['some_attribute2'] = 'some_value2'
default['my_cookbook']['some_namespace2']['some_attribute2'] = 'some_value3'

On the other hand, I am creating a template resource like this:

template 'template_name' do
  source 'template_source.erb'
  variables (
    my_namespace_1: node['my_cookbook']['some_namespace1'],
    my_namespace_2: node['my_cookbook']['some_namespace2']

Then in the template_source.erb I try:

<%= @my_namespace_1['some_attribute1'] %> #=> 'some_value1'

However when I run Kitchen I get this, instead of 'some_value1':

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

How should I send the template variable to use it this way?

2 Answers 2


EDIT: This applies only to Ruby in general and not to Chef in particular.

Pass a nested hash:

template 'template_name' do
  source 'template_source.erb'
  variables (
    my_namespace_1: {
      some_attribute1: node['my_cookbook']['some_namespace1']['some_attribute1']

But rather than copying the values verbatim you can use the full power of the Hash class to slice, dice and merge together whatever you want:

template 'template_name' do
  source 'template_source.erb'
  variables (
    node['my_cookbook'].slice('some_namespace1', 'some_namespace2')

One gotcha in Ruby that you have tripped on is that symbols are usually used as hash keys:

# newer literal syntax
a_hash = {
  foo: 'bar'

# or with the older hash-rocket syntax
a_hash = {
  :foo => 'bar'

Symbols are extemly efficient since they are interned strings that are stored in table - when comparing symbols you compare the object ID instead of comparing each character in the string.

In fact strings are only really used when you want keys in the hash that are not valid Ruby symbols - like when building a hash of HTTP headers.

Ruby does not treat symbol and string keys indifferently:

  foo: 'bar'
# => bar

  foo: 'bar'
# => nil

So to access the passed variable in the template you would use:

<%= @my_namespace_1[:some_attribute1] %>
  • Thanks a lot for the information! Just the nested hash did the trick, but is good to know all the other information.
    – Navarro
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 10:21
  • 1
    Chef might use HashWithIndifferentAccess from ActiveSupport (Rails) which is a subclass of hash that treats string and symbol keys alike. Otherwise you would get nil if it was just a vanilla Ruby hash.
    – max
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 10:24
  • We don't use that, but we have something similar.
    – coderanger
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 13:04
  • In fact this whole answer is basically incorrect in the context of Chef.
    – coderanger
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 13:05
  • We do not recommend the use of symbol keys in node attributes, and passing partial attribute trees in to a template is 100% okay.
    – coderanger
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 13:08

What you have in the example should be working. I am guessing you have a typo somewhere in your original recipe that you corrected when generic-ifying the code.

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