We usually set view's model in Qt like this: view->setModel(model);

But is there any way to remove a model from view? I mean literally leave a view empty like it was just created and there was not any model set to it yet.

If you ask me a reason of my desire, I have a pretty much similar case as in this guy's post. And when first view has no selection or it is empty/invalid/whatever, I want to make the second view show literally nothing: no headers, columns, rubbish data. Removing a model from the view seems to be pretty reasonable in that case.

I've tried a dirty hack: *view = QTableView(); But Qt took care about such evil things and made operator= private.


1 Answer 1


From the source of QAbstractItemView::setModel():

d->model = (model ? model : QAbstractItemModelPrivate::staticEmptyModel());

It looks like if you pass a null pointer, it will internally use some dummy model fallback. So null pointers are supported and that's a valid way to go to "unset" the current model.

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