I have a pointer to an object. I would like to store it in two containers which both have the ownership. So I think I would be good to make it a shared_ptr of C++0x. How could I convert a raw pointer to a shared_pointer?

typedef unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<classA>>MAP1;
MAP1 map1;
classA* obj = new classA();
map1[ID] = how could I store obj in map1??


2 Answers 2


You need to make sure you don't initialize both shared_ptr objects with the same raw pointer, or it will be deleted twice. A better (but still bad) way to do it:

classA* raw_ptr = new classA;
shared_ptr<classA> my_ptr(raw_ptr);

// or shared_ptr<classA> my_ptr = raw_ptr;

// ...

shared_ptr<classA> other_ptr(my_ptr);
// or shared_ptr<classA> other_ptr = my_ptr;
// WRONG: shared_ptr<classA> other_ptr(raw_ptr);
// ALSO WRONG: shared_ptr<classA> other_ptr = raw_ptr;

WARNING: the above code shows bad practice! raw_ptr simply should not exist as a variable. If you directly initialize your smart pointers with the result of new, you reduce your risk of accidentally initializing other smart pointers incorrectly. What you should do is:

shared_ptr<classA> my_ptr(new classA);

shared_ptr<classA> other_ptr(my_ptr);

What's nice is that the code is more concise as well.


I should probably elaborate on how it would work with a map. If you had a raw pointer and two maps, you could do something similar to what I showed above.

unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<classA> > my_map;
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<classA> > that_guys_map;

shared_ptr<classA> my_ptr(new classA);

my_map.insert(make_pair("oi", my_ptr));
that_guys_map.insert(make_pair("oi", my_ptr));
// or my_map["oi"].reset(my_ptr);
// or my_map["oi"] = my_ptr;
// so many choices!
  • 8
    Don;t expose the raw pointer in a variable. By doing that you give a maintainer an easier opportunity to screw up and put the RAW pointer into another shared pointer. Just use my_ptr(new ClassA()); That way a maintainer has to do extra work to screw things up. Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 5:16
  • @Martin York I was just editing to include a point about that; I'll add a more explicit note. But you are correct. :)
    – Dawson
    Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 5:19
  • 6
    Actually, the best practice is make_shared<>, and avoiding new entirely. I can't remember the deep reason, something to do with if the new throws, I think it was in a Sean Parent talk. Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 18:07
  • 1
    @user1997744 You are nearly correct. If you use shared_ptr<classA> my_ptr(new classA);, (1) the new classA works, (2) the new within the shared_ptr<> fails, then the pointer allocated in (1) is lost. The std::make_shared<> handles that case properly (i.e. it has a try/catch block). Commented Mar 27, 2022 at 21:19
  • 1
    I'm very late here :v but if you are maintaining old code, with functions that return allocated pointers, the bad practice is the "safest" way :(
    – Ivan
    Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 9:41

You can use a variety of ways, but reset() would be good:


And to address the issue of having two maps refer to the same shared_ptr, we can have:

map2[ID] = map1[ID];

Note that the trick in general to avoid a double delete is to try to avoid raw pointers at all. Hence avoid:

classA* obj = new classA();

but instead put the new heap object straight into a shared_ptr.

  • it's not bad practise per se, it's c-practice!
    – g24l
    Commented Oct 23, 2015 at 14:22

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