I've the following bash script to upgrade my database schema. Script reads hostname and database password from command line.
The problem is here that if the password is alphanumeric e.g r00t then script works. But if password contains special characters e.g pa**w0rd, then script does not work and directly exits. Please help me with this. Thanks.
echo "Enter hostname."
read -p "Hostname [localhost]: " DB_HOST
echo "Enter MySQL root password"
while [[ $DB_PASS = "" ]]; do
read -sp "Password: " DB_PASS
MYSQL="mysql --force --connect-timeout=90 --host=$DB_HOST -u root --password=${DB_PASS}"
# Apply schema updates. My DBName is "mydb"
# Upgrade schema file is stored in "mysql" folder
$MYSQL mydb -e exit > /dev/null 2>&1 && $MYSQL mydb < "../mysql/upgrade_schema_v.2.1.sql"