I have some non-standard XML from a legacy app:

<Description>Transfer to MPF PODs</Description>


and tried to do the following in an SL4 app, which didn't work for the PODLink nodes:

            List<PODNode> Nodes = (List<PODNode>)from podNode in doc.Descendants("RowData")
                   select new PODNode
                       ItemName = podNode.Element("PODItem").Value,
                       StoragePath = podNode.Element("StoragePath").Value,
                       ID = Convert.ToInt32(podNode.Element("ID").Value),
                       PODNodeType = (NodeType)Convert.ToInt32(podNode.Element("PODType").Value),
                       Description = podNode.Element("Description").Value,
                       Comment = podNode.Element("MemoString").Value,
                       //Links = (List<PODLink>)from podLink in podNode.Descendants("PODLink")
                       //                        select new PODLink
                       //                        {
                       //                            LinkType = podLink.Element("LinkType").Value,
                       //                            Location = podLink.Element("Location").Value,
                       //                            Description = podLink.Element("Description").Value

                       //                        };

Here's the relevant class:

public class PODNode
    public NodeType PODNodeType;
    public string ItemName = string.Empty;
    public int ID;
    public string StoragePath = string.Empty;
    public string Description = string.Empty;
    public string Comment = string.Empty;
    public List<PODNode> Nodes;
    public List<PODLink> Links;

Any idea how, is it's possible, I can get the commented out portion working?


2 Answers 2


Try this:

List<PODNode> Nodes = (from podNode in doc.Descendants("RowData")
       select new PODNode
           ItemName = podNode.Element("PODItem").Value,
           StoragePath = podNode.Element("StoragePath").Value,
           ID = Convert.ToInt32(podNode.Element("ID").Value),
           PODNodeType = (NodeType)Convert.ToInt32(podNode.Element("PODType").Value),
           Description = podNode.Element("Description").Value,
           Comment = podNode.Element("MemoString").Value,
           Links = (from podLink in podNode.Descendants("PODLink")
               select new PODLink
                   LinkType = podLink.Element("LinkType").Value,
                   Location = podLink.Element("Location").Value,
                   Description = podLink.Element("Description").Value


I think that your problem is that the inner query is not a List<PODLink>, it's probably of type of IEnumerable<PODLink> or IQueryable<PODLink> which you can't cast to List<PODLink>. But you can execute the ToList() method and it should solve your problem.

UPDATE: Made code look nicer and removed all casts. UPDATE: Fixed two errors in the example, there might be more since I haven't compiled it.

  • Get a bunch of errors with that code, invalid expressions mostly. Thanks for the response though.
    – Jim Perry
    Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 16:14
  • But if you say what your error is it would be much easier to help you. Also, I didn't compile the code, I just pointed out one part that was wrong. Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 16:30
  • I guess a picture would be better than trying to squeeze it all in here - flickr.com/photos/25773555@N02/5349040439
    – Jim Perry
    Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 17:16
  • Have you even tried to solve it yourself? Visual studio basically tells you what is wrong, start with the first error, which is that the ( should be before the from instead of select... as I said, I didn't compile the code, just wrote it directly from my head. I'll fix the first error in the example. Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 20:09

Changed over to use an XMLReader. A bit more code but it works fine.

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