I have two login forms with two different tables.One is default with /login
route and the other has route /myportal
. I have extra logincontroller
protected $redirectTo = '/student-home';
public function showLoginForm()
return view('my_portal');
public function logout(Request $request)
return redirect('/my_portal');
protected function guard()
return Auth::guard('web_student');
public function username ()
return 'username';
This login is working fine. But, I am having problem with RedirectIfAuthenticated
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
return redirect('/home');
else if(Auth::guard('web_student')->check())
return redirect('student-home');
return $next($request);
Now, if the user is already logged in, it is redirected to /student-home
only if the route is /login
and not /my-portal
. i.e only if i click on regular form not this extra form I created. How can I redirect to student-home
if user clicked on /my-portal