
I am trying to add space between radiobuttonlist.

I see the aspx markup code, CssClass="radiobuttonlist" but when I use Ctrl + Shift + F, and type in .radiobuttonlist with Entire Solution, I can't find the css file that contains the definition. Strange, I found this

    margin: -1px 10px 0 0;

I am not sure what are the 4 values stands for but I tried making changes like margin: 10px 10px 0 0; but not having any luck in adding spaces after the radio button label.

I also see another CssClass definition in the aspx like CssClass="radiobuttonlist showGender" but I am not sure how showGender is used in the css file or aspx.

Is there another way to find in Visual Studio where the CssClass="radiobuttonlist" is defined. Any help with adding spaces after the label would be greatly appreciated. Been googling and trying out different values but no success after a few hours. Thanks.

1 Answer 1


I changed it to the following and it is working.

      margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px;

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