I'm trying to write a helper script for doing various admin tasks on a server which can only be done from the command line and trying to use the 'dialog' command to display message boxes, inputs, password prompts etc, however, the needs of this task call for me to process the data in PHP.
I'm having problems getting the dialog command to work in this way and can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.
There's an example here
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
When you run PHP and exec/backtick/system to an external application, the IO doesn't appear to work how you'd expect.
The nearest I can get is using the passthru() command:
$CMD = "dialog --menu \"Please select\" 10 40 3 backup \"Backup Files\" restore \"Restore Files\"";
This is the only way that PHP will let dialog use the STDOUT properly, anything else results in no display but you can press return to select an option.
I've tried backticks, exec() and system() but nothing seems to work.
What I wondered was how to read STDERR properly from within PHP to get the return value into a variable called $result.
I'm sure some other sysadmins have had to do this before.
My reasons for not using bash for this are that one command I have to execute as a result of a selection produces XML output only and I can't parse that effectively in bash.