The problem: Match an arbitrarily nested group of brackets in a flavour of regex such as Java's java.util.regex that supports neither recursion nor balancing groups. I.e., match the three outer groups in:

(F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))(n)d) (((((((Third)))))))

This exercise is purely academic, since we all know that regular expressions are not supposed to be used to match these things, just as Q-tips are not supposed to be used to clean ears.

Stack Overflow encourages self-answered questions, so I decided to create this post to share something I recently discovered.

  • Why do you ask this question if you know Java doesn't support recursion? This statement since we all know that regular expressions are not supposed to be used to match these things is utter bologny.
    – user557597
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 16:43
  • Here is the regex \((?:[^()]++|(?R))*\)
    – user557597
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 16:50
  • 5
    @sln, I asked the question and answered it - please scroll down. That statement was sarcasm used to pre-emptively deflect those who would, as they always do, reply saying that regex is not the correct tool for this task. Unfortunately, my post here failed to prompt positive, insightful discussion, as demonstrated by your and other responses.
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 16:58
  • 2
    I'm going over your regex right now. It works in Perl. I'm trying to do an equivalent in boost regex but it doesn't do undefined backreference before the fact. It could be because of this it is using a pseudo stack, and I'm gonna find out. So far I do this (?(DEFINE)(?<G2>.*)(?<G1>.*\)(?!.*\k<G2>).*))(?=\()(?:(?=.*?\((?!.*?\k<G1>)(?&G1))(?=.*?\)(?!.*?\k<G2>)(?&G2)).)+?.*?(?=\k<G1>)[^(]*(?=\k<G2>$) but it does not find any.
    – user557597
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 17:33
  • 2
    As for the behaviour you're observing with new lines, it's to be expected. We need all of those .* parts to potentially match line terminators in order for the method to work correctly with multiple lines. I could force this by changing every . to [\s\S] in the example (and \2$ to \2\z to supersede the 'm' modifier), but I chose to keep it as simple as possible since it is already quite difficult to understand.
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 18, 2017 at 7:54

2 Answers 2


Indeed! It's possible using forward references:



Et voila; there it is. That right there matches a full group of nested parentheses from start to end. Two substrings per match are necessarily captured and saved; these are useless to you. Just focus on the results of the main match.

No, there is no limit on depth. No, there are no recursive constructs hidden in there. Just plain ol' lookarounds, with a splash of forward referencing. If your flavour does not support forward references (I'm looking at you, JavaScript), then I'm sorry. I really am. I wish I could help you, but I'm not a freakin' miracle worker.

That's great and all, but I want to match inner groups too!

OK, here's the deal. The reason we were able to match those outer groups is because they are non-overlapping. As soon as the matches we desire begin to overlap, we must tweak our strategy somewhat. We can still inspect the subject for correctly-balanced groups of parentheses. However, instead of outright matching them, we need to save them with a capturing group like so:


Exactly the same as the previous expression, except I've wrapped the bulk of it in a lookahead to avoid consuming characters, added a capturing group, and tweaked the backreference indices so they play nice with their new friend. Now the expression matches at the position just before the next parenthetical group, and the substring of interest is saved as \1.

So... how the hell does this actually work?

I'm glad you asked. The general method is quite simple: iterate through characters one at a time while simultaneously matching the next occurrences of '(' and ')', capturing the rest of the string in each case so as to establish positions from which to resume searching in the next iteration. Let me break it down piece by piece:

Note Component Description
(?=\() Make sure '(' follows before doing any hard work.
(?: Start of group used to iterate through the string, so the following lookaheads match repeatedly.
Handle '(' (?= This lookahead deals with finding the next '('.
.*?\((?!.*?\1) Match up until the next '(' that is not followed by \1. Below, you'll see that \1 is filled with the entire part of the string following the last '(' matched. So (?!.*?\1) ensures we don't match the same '(' again
(.*\)(?!.*\2).*) Fill \1 with the rest of the string. At the same time, check that there is at least another occurrence of ')'. This is a PCRE band-aid to overcome a bug with capturing groups in lookaheads.
Handle ')' (?= This lookahead deals with finding the next ')'
.*?\)(?!.*?\2) Match up until the next ')' that is not followed by \2. Like the earlier '(' match, this forces matching of a ')' that hasn't been matched before.
(.*) Fill \2 with the rest of the string. The above.mentioned bug is not applicable here, so a simple expression is sufficient.
. Consume a single character so that the group can continue matching. It is safe to consume a character because neither occurrence of the next '(' or ')' could possibly exist before the new matching point.
)+? Match as few times as possible until a balanced group has been found. This is validated by the following check
Final validation .*?(?=\1) Match up to and including the last '(' found.
[^(]*(?=\2$) Then match up until the position where the last ')' was found, making sure we don't encounter another '(' along the way (which would imply an unbalanced group).


So, there you have it. A way to match balanced nested structures using forward references coupled with standard (extended) regular expression features - no recursion or balanced groups. It's not efficient, and it certainly isn't pretty, but it is possible. And it's never been done before. That, to me, is quite exciting.

I know a lot of you use regular expressions to accomplish and help other users accomplish simpler and more practical tasks, but if there is anyone out there who shares my excitement for pushing the limits of possibility with regular expressions then I'd love to hear from you. If there is interest, I have other similar material to post.

  • 5
    (But it is oh so fragile)(Why?)(Because: "a) you could have quoted brackets! :)")("That's not fair :(")
    – AJNeufeld
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 16:10
  • 3
    @AJNeufeld Haha, this is just for you :) regex101.com/r/Dfao1h/1
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 18:35
  • @jaytea Close, but no cigar! The 4th match comes out as ("), instead of ("That's not fair :(")
    – AJNeufeld
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 20:00
  • 2
    @AJNeufeld Small oversight, here: regex101.com/r/Dfao1h/4 . I'm a little saddened that people seem to have missed the point of this post :( Don't tell me there's a "b)" too? haha
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 8, 2017 at 4:09
  • 8
    @AJNeufeld I humoured you before, but now I think you're beating a dead horse. Handling character escapes and quoted strings is a very basic extension to my example and has been done many many times before. This is why I say you are missing the point of this post. The point was to introduce something that hasn't been done before. Not to introduce something and claim it will work for every conceivable use case. Many others before me have posted similar demonstrations and have received much more positive feedback. That's why I figured my post fit would it in here.
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 9, 2017 at 4:05


Input Corrections

First of all, your input is incorrect as there's an extra parenthesis (as shown below)

(F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d) (((((((Third)))))))

Making appropriate modifications to either include or exclude the additional parenthesis, one might end up with one of the following strings:

Extra parenthesis removed

(F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d (((((((Third)))))))

Additional parenthesis added to match extra closing parenthesis

((F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d) (((((((Third)))))))

Regex Capabilities

Second of all, this is really only truly possible in regex flavours that include the recursion capability since any other method will not properly match opening/closing brackets (as seen in the OP's solution, it matches the extra parenthesis from the incorrect input as noted above).

This means that for regex flavours that do not currently support recursion (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.), recursion (or attempts at mimicking recursion) in regular expressions is not possible.


Considering the original input is actually invalid, we'll use the following inputs to test against.

(F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d) (((((((Third)))))))
(F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d (((((((Third)))))))
((F(i(r(s)t))) ((S)(e)((c)(o))n)d) (((((((Third)))))))

Testing against these inputs should yield the following results:

  1. INVALID (no match)
  2. VALID (match)
  3. VALID (match)


There are multiple ways of matching nested groups. The solutions provided below all depend on regex flavours that include recursion capabilities (e.g. PCRE).

See regex in use here

Using DEFINE block


Note: This regex uses the flags gmx

Without DEFINE block

See regex in use here


Note: This regex uses the flags gmx

Without x modifier (one-liner)

See regex in use here


Without named (groups & references)

See regex in use here


Note: This is the shortest possible method that I could come up with.


I'll explain the last regex as it's a simplified and minimal example of all the other regular expressions above it.

  • ^ Assert position at the start of the line
  • (([^()\r\n]+)*\(((?1)|(?2))\)(?3)*) Capture the following into capture group 1
    • ([^()\r\n]+)* Capture the following into capture group 2 any number of times
      • [^()\r\n]+ Match any character not present in the set ()\r\n one or more times
    • \( Match a left/opening parenthesis character ( literally
    • ((?1)|(?2)) Capture either of the following into capture group 3
      • (?1) Recurse the first subpattern (1)
      • (?2) Recurse the second subpattern (2)
    • \) Match a right/closing parenthesis character ) literally
    • (?3)* Recurse the third subpattern (3) any number of times
  • $ Assert position at the end of the line
  • 3
    thanks for the post and pointing out the error in the question! I didn't downvote you, but I suspect whomever did probably did so because your suggestions uses recursion, which is not novel and not the point of this discussion. Incidentally, the solution with forward references is OK, it's just the input that was not OK. The expression still correctly matches complete, properly balanced groups of parentheses (leaving out the additional ')'), as it's supposed to. To validate a line for properly balanced parenthetical groups, you can use this: regex101.com/r/Dfao1h/2
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 18:44
  • 2
    yes, that was hastily made I'm afraid! This is corrected: regex101.com/r/Dfao1h/3 - I promise it's possible, and I urge you to go through the breakdown of the expression in my post and understand the method. I'm sure you'll understand how and why it works. The expression in the answer matches a full group, and the one I supplied just now validates (which is admittedly trickier).
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 19:05
  • @jaytea the last one does work. You should update your answer to include that regex instead of the one your answer currently includes.
    – ctwheels
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 19:30
  • 1
    I just wanted to demonstrate the simplest variation of this concept, ie. "match a group" rather than "validate a group" or "match a group with possibly quoted contents" (like the other comment), etc.
    – jaytea
    Commented Nov 8, 2017 at 4:13

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