I want to create a Bash file that returns a value. Meaning, in script script_a.bash I have a certain calculation, and script script_b.bash will call it.


return $1*5


a_value=./script_a.bash 3

when a_value will be 15.

I read a little bit about that, and saw that there's no "return" in bash, but something like this can be done in functions using "echo". I don't want to use functions, I need a generic script to use in multiple places.

Is it possible to return a value from a different script?

  • 1
    Use exit rc instead of return rc.
    – Chen A.
    Nov 8, 2017 at 10:15
  • It's not possible to return a value from a bash script. If you echo the result, the calling process can grab it. A numeric can be returned with exit but that's not recommended as this is represents a status code (and also some codes are reserved - so 'should' not be used). Nov 8, 2017 at 10:17

3 Answers 3


Use command substitution to capture the output of echo, and use arithmetic expression to count the result:


echo $(( $1 * 5 ))


a_value=$( script_a.bash 3 )

Don't use return or exit, as they're for indicating the success/failure of a script, not the output.

Write your script like this:


echo $(( $1 * 5 ))

Access the value:

a_value=$(./script_a.bash 3)

That is, use a $(command substitution) in the consuming code to capture the output of the script.

  • What if the script prints multiple output (e.g. some info via printf) and we only want the last output? e.g. inside a POSIX script if bash is found run bash -c with subscript, and this subscript has if statement that would alter the behaviour of the POSIX script? Jul 1, 2023 at 14:40
  • 1
    Command substitution will capture standard output, so the script can either make use of standard error (e.g. output status messages to >&2), or you can get the last line of the output using e.g. last_line=$(tail -n1 <<<"$a_value"). There are several answers on here explaining other methods.
    – Tom Fenech
    Jul 3, 2023 at 10:53

You can use exit rc;, but keep in mind that conventionally in *nix 0 is a successful result, any positive value is an error code. Is it an option to call

echo <your_value>;

and redirect output to the next binary called in the chain?

  • Also note exit status is limited to 0-255 - so OP's $1 could only be max of 85 :-) Nov 8, 2017 at 10:22

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