I have a container class called people that stores a set of person objects. People takes in an std::function as one of set parameters. this is used to define a custom comparator to sort the set.

is it possible to covert from

set<Person, std::function<bool(const Person &p1, const Person &p2)>>



A simplified version of the class is below

class People
public :
    People() : people(compareByName()) {}
    void addPerson(Person p);
    set<Person> getPeople();

    using PeopleSet = set<Person, std::function<bool(const Person &p1, const Person &p2)>>; // std::function for comparator type
    PeopleSet people;

set<Person> People::getPeople()
    return People;//Error Here (No sutable user defined conversion)

I want get people to return a set<Person> but am unsure how.

  • 3
    The second type parameter to a set is the sorting algorithm that the set uses to organize itself, so if you were to try and convert a set to another type of set with a different sorting algorithm (the default in this case would be less<People>, i.e., person1 < person2), I wouldn't necessarily expect to get the same set - it would be sorted differently. Is that what you intend to do - you want the same set sorted in a different way?
    – Ben S.
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 0:27
  • Yes I have a default Sort in the person class that it will revert too. Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 0:33

2 Answers 2


The simplest way to do this is something like:

set<Person> People::getPeople()
    set<Person> reordered_set(original_set.begin(), original_set.end());
    return reordered_set;

In this case, you're creating an entirely new set<Person> by copying elements from the original set. I'm not sure whether you're okay with doing that copying or not.


Ok I just done it myself by creating a new set and adding everything in a for each loop.

set<Person> People::getPeople()
    set<Person> peeps;
    for (Person const &p : people)
    return peeps;
  • @Yakk why is it not C++? Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 0:44
  • you have blended in a little c#
    – pm100
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 0:53
  • For the same reason "bonjour" is not English? Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 1:36

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