How can I replace first N occurrences of many whitespaces and tabs in the following string:

07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js

I am expecting the following result:

07/12/2017|11:01|AM|21523|filename with s p a c  e  s.js

I know not very elegant option only via calling replace N times on the same string

.replace(/\s+/, "|").replace(/\s+/, "|").replace(/\s+/, "|");

Worth to mention that I'm going to run this on near 1,000,000 lines so performance matters.

  • 1
    @stealththeninja Op wants to only replace the first 4 occurrences in the strings, thus leaving the spaces in the file name intact. Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 20:20
  • g will replace everything. But i need to replace only first n occurrences Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 20:21
  • smells like you can use a loop of some sort
    – Namaskar
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 20:23

7 Answers 7


Probably something like this:

var txt = "07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js";

var n = 0, N = 4;
newTxt = txt.replace(/\s+/g, match => n++ < N ? "|" : match);

newTxt; // "07/12/2017|11:01|AM|21523|filename with s p a c  e  s.js"

You could take a counter and decrement it.

var string = '07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js',
    n = 4,
    result = string.replace(/\s+/g, s => n ? (n--, '|') : s);

You could replace the ternary expression with one with logical AND and OR.

var string = '07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js',
    n = 4,
    result = string.replace(/\s+/g, s => n && n-- && '|' || s);


Derek and Nina provide great answers for dynamically replacing N whitespace groups. If N is static, the non-whitespace token (\S) can be used to match and keep the groups between whitespace:

.replace(/\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/, '|$1|$2|')


Some answers here are really good already, but since you say you want speed, I'd go with a single while, like this:

var logLine = '07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js';
var N = 4;
while(--N + 1){
  logLine = logLine.replace(/\s+/, '|');

Here's on JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/2bxpygjr/


I'd go with something like this. Though I kinda like Derek's answer so I'll look his up and understand what he/she does in it.

var mytext = "some text separated by spaces and spaces and more spaces";
var iterationCount = 4;
while(iterationCount > 0)
    mytext = mytext.replace(" ", "");
return mytext;

What about recursive version of you own solution?

function repalceLeadSpaces(str, substitution, n) {
    n = n || 0;
    if (!str || n <= 0) {
        return str;
    str = str.replace(/\s+/, substitution);
    return n === 1 ? str : repalceLeadSpaces(str, substitution, n - 1)

You could also:

  • split on whitespace, using a capturing group to retain the spacing;
  • use map to replace the first N whitespace elements with |;
  • join the parts back together

const str = '07/12/2017  11:01 AM             21523 filename with s p a c  e  s.js'

const N = 4
const result = str.split(/(\s+)/).map((v, i) => i % 2 == 0 || i >= 2*N ? v : '|').join('')


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