I have a dockerized setup running a Django app within which I use Celery tasks. Celery uses Redis as the broker.
- Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
- docker-compose version 1.15.0, build e12f3b9
- Django==1.9.6
- django-celery-beat==1.0.1
- celery==4.1.0
- celery[redis]
- redis==2.10.5
My celery workers appear to be unable to connect to the redis container located at localhost:6379. I am able to telnet into the redis server on the specified port. I am able to verify redis-server is running on the container.
When I manually connect to the Celery docker instance and attempt to create a worker using the command celery -A backend worker -l info
I get the notice:
[2017-11-13 18:07:50,937: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to redis://localhost:6379/0: Error 99 connecting to localhost:6379. Cannot assign requested address..
Trying again in 4.00 seconds...
I am able to telnet in to the redis container on port 6379. On the redis container, redis-server is running.
Is there anything else that I'm missing? I've gone pretty far down the rabbit hole, but feel like I'm missing something really simple.
since redis is not working doesn't work on the same host as celery. Can you ping redis via IP from celery?