I followed the solution here: How to Calculate Double + Float Precision and have been unable to calculate the maximum value for variables of type double.

I run:

double dbl_max = pow(2, pow(2, 10)) * (1-pow(2, -53));
printf("%.2e", dbl_max);

Result: inf


 double dbl_max = (pow(2, pow(2, 10)));
 printf("%.2e", dbl_max);

Result: inf


double dbl_max = pow(2, pow(2, 9)) * (1-pow(2, -53));
printf("%.2e", dbl_max);

Result: 1.34e+154

Why isn't the calculation fitting into the variable? The top sample above works just fine for float variables.

  • The intermediate exponent is one too high. Change pow(2, 10) to (pow(2, 10) - 1) and it should work. You can compensate by multiplying the final result by 2.
    – Tom Karzes
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 5:08
  • Do not use pow to calculate powers of 2. A good math library will get these right, but not all math libraries will—pow is a floating-point function, and math libraries of mediocre quality will return approximate results. To produce an integer power of two in floating-point, use ldexp(1, n) for double or ldexpf(1, n) for float, where n is an integer. To produce a power of two in integer, use (type) 1 << n, where “type” is the integer type you want for the result, such as uint32_t. Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 14:59

1 Answer 1


The intermediate exponent is one too high. Change pow(2, 10) to (pow(2, 10) - 1) and it should work. You can compensate by multiplying the final result by 2. – Tom Karzes

double dbl_max = pow(2, pow(2, 10)-1) * (1-pow(2, -53)) * 2;
printf("%.2e", dbl_max);
  • Thank you Elad. Why is the intermediate exponent too high? I would think the calculation should fit exactly into the variable. Is it related to what Eric said about inferior math libraries returning approximate results? Commented Nov 17, 2017 at 1:48

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