I have a Rails 5 application, with a PostgreSQL 9.6 database.
The application has Report
model, with a department_ids
array field, which is defined in schema.rb
t.integer "department_ids", default: [], array: true
I need to write a query which returns report rows where the department_ids
column contains one or more of a given set of department_ids.
My current workaround is to do this in Ruby with:
department_ids = [2, 5]
reports = Report.all.select do |report|
(report.department_ids & department_ids).any?
However, using select
has the downside of returning an Array
instead of ActiveRecord::Relation
, which means I need to hydrate the filtered results back into ActiveRecord::Relation
Report.where(id: reports.map(&:id))
I'd like to avoid that step, and handle this all in a single query.
How can I write query like this with Active Record?