I'm working on a web scraping / mapping project where I've scraped address data from a restaurant website and I've stored the results as a list - in this example, called loc_list.

Question is, how best to convert these list items into a single data.frame / tibble (currently using bind_rows( )) but ALSO, in the new data.frame, have a column titled metro which corresponds to each list item name. In my example, the output would have 3 alpharettas, followed by 3 atlanta, then 1 buford.


# A tibble: 3 x 2
                  names                                                  address
                  <chr>                                                    <chr>
1 East Roswell          US 2630 Holcomb Bridge Rd Alpharetta, GA  30022
2 Old Milton US 4305 Old Milton Parkway Ste 101 Alpharetta, GA  30022
3 Windward       US 875 N Main Street Ste 306 Alpharetta, GA  30009

# A tibble: 3 x 2
                        names                                         address
                        <chr>                                           <chr>
1 Philips Arena        US 100 Techwood Drive Atlanta, GA  30303
2 Virginia Highlands       US 1006 N Highland Ave Atlanta, GA  30306
3 Perimeter     US 1211 Ashford Crossing Atlanta, GA  30346

# A tibble: 1 x 2
            names                                          address
            <chr>                                            <chr>
1 Woodward US 3250 Woodward Crossing Blvd Buford, GA  30519

Targeted output:

names          address       metro
East Ros...    US 2630...    alpharetta
  • 3
    bind_rows(loc_list, .id = "metro") You can also use purrr::map_df with a .id parameter, if you're applying a function to get to this state.
    – alistaire
    Nov 21, 2017 at 1:25
  • FWIW you're actually told to use dput() to share data in questions in the actual R tag top text. #nojoke
    – hrbrmstr
    Nov 21, 2017 at 2:57

1 Answer 1


As alistaire pointed out bind_rows is enough with .id. Here is example data:

alpharetta <- tibble(names=c("East Roswell", "Old Milton"),
                     address = c("US 2630 Holcomb Bridge Rd Alpharetta, GA  30022", "4305 Old Milton Parkway Ste 101 Alpharetta, GA  30022"))
atlanta <- tibble(names=c("Philips Arena", "Virginia Highlands"),
                  address = c("US 100 Techwood Drive Atlanta, GA  30303", "US 1006 N Highland Ave Atlanta, GA  30306"))

loc_list <- list(alpharetta = alpharetta, atlanta = atlanta)

bind_rows(loc_list, .id="metro")
# A tibble: 4 x 3
       metro              names                                               address
       <chr>              <chr>                                                 <chr>
1 alpharetta       East Roswell       US 2630 Holcomb Bridge Rd Alpharetta, GA  30022
2 alpharetta         Old Milton 4305 Old Milton Parkway Ste 101 Alpharetta, GA  30022
3    atlanta      Philips Arena              US 100 Techwood Drive Atlanta, GA  30303
4    atlanta Virginia Highlands             US 1006 N Highland Ave Atlanta, GA  30306

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