I'm deploying a asp.net core 2.0 website to IIS 10.
I've made sure that my app is using the correct configuration for ISS in the program.settings file.
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
And in my startup.cs file:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<IISOptions>(options =>
Yet when I run dotnet website.dll from the command line I get the below error message shown in the command line window:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (website.deps.json) was not found: package: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery', version: '2.0.1' path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.dll' This assembly was expected to be in the local runtime store as the application was published using the following target manifest files: aspnetcore-store-2.0.3.xml
Based off the error message, i'm guessing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery isn't being bundled when I publish since I do not receive this error when debugging.
How can I ensure that my app can find Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery when published to a live environment?
EDIT: This is a basic .net core website. No changes have been made to the standard project at this time apart from the above changes for deployment with IIS.
When I run the project from IIS instead of the command line I get a 502.5 error message.
dotnet restore
. If this not help use temporary solution and just copy this *.dll from local to deploydotnet restore
. Would you also mind sharing your csproj?dotnet --info
ordotnet --version