I am trying to validate a form request and I want to accept the field say test if only it has a value or ABC or XYZ. How can I achieve this?

I currently have

    'test' =>  'required|unique:tests',   
  • See, there is no need to validation required. You can use like: if(!empty($request->test) || $request->test == 'ABC' || $request->test == 'XYZ') { Do the things here} Hope this helps you! Let me know. Nov 23, 2017 at 5:41
  • And if you want to use only laravel validation rule, use regex like: $request->validate([ 'test' => 'required|unique:tests|regex:/ABC|XYZ/g', ]); Here g is global search , retain the index of last match Nov 23, 2017 at 5:52

2 Answers 2


The Laravel docs are quite helpful when it comes to these issues.

Laravel Docs - Validation - Available Methods

Laravel Docs - Validation - Rule - in

'test' => [
    Rule::in(['ABC', 'XYZ']),


'test' => 'required|in:ABC,XYZ',
  • 1
    There was no need for the condescension. You could have just said, "There is a [in] rule which would handle this situation." The [in] rule is easily overlooked if the programmer is searching for a way to OR rules. Apr 17, 2022 at 10:47

You can use regular expression to validate this field

your regular expression for ABC OR XYZ

Code is

    'test' =>  'required|unique:tests|regex:/ABC|XYZ/g',   

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