If I have a Windows executable, how can I find out which dlls it will load?
I'm just talking about which ones that will be loaded statically, not ones it might load dynamically with something like LoadLibrary.
dumpbin is a tool that comes with VC++.
To see what DLLs a program will import:
Dump of file whatever.exe File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE Image has the following dependencies: AIOUSB.DLL sqlite3.dll wxmsw293u_core_vc_custom.dll wxbase293u_vc_custom.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll
To see what functions (and DLLs) it will import, use
C:\> dumpbin /imports whatever.exe
not DLLs which the executable file depends on them indirectly.
There are utilities that will do this for you.
In the past I've used the MS tool (depends.exe) that came with (I think) VB.:
and there's this as well:
and probably others as well.
Open the command prompt and then type below command
tasklist /m /fi "imagename eq netbeans.exe"
Type instead netbeans.exe whatever name your exe file name.
Dependency Walker can help you determine which .dll will be loaded.
Dependency Walker
try to find DLLs and their hierarchical dependencies.
Just go to the command prompt and type tasklist /m
, you will see the list of dll files used by specific program.
Solution for Microsoft .Net:
foreach (AssemblyName a in Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom("SAMPLE.EXE").GetReferencedAssemblies())
There is a handy tool called NDepend that will give you all DLL dependencies.
is a static analysis tool for .NET managed code'. So it works only for .Net applications.
progfr is simple and useful: [http://members.fortunecity.com/michaelmoser/tip11.htm]
Dependencies - An open-source modern Dependency Walker shows which DLLs a Windows executable will load and it works well in modern Windows 10.
It is a little less powerful than Dependency Walker, but the latter may or may not work in Windows 10 as it was last updated in 2006. (Newer versions of Dependency Walker were bundled with some versions of Windows Development Kit for Windows 10, but not any more.)
Process Explorer Comes with SysInternals Suite https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysinternals-suite
Benefits: allows to explore the process that is already running (I have not found a was to attach the dependency walker to the existing process)