
[["foo" "bar" 2] ["biz" "baf" 3]] 

how do I get

[{:a "foo" :b "bar" :num 2} {:a "biz" :b "baf" :num 3}]?

In reality my vector has hundreds of vectors that need to have keys added and be converted to hash-maps.

  • 4
    something like this: (mapv (partial zipmap [:a :b :num]) [["foo" "bar" 2]["biz" "baf" 3]])
    – leetwinski
    Nov 28, 2017 at 19:29
  • Thanks for this... did the trick! I would have accepted this as the answer but it's a comment do I don't think I can.
    – THX1137
    Nov 28, 2017 at 21:51

2 Answers 2


What leetwinski said, or:

(def input [["foo" "bar" 2]["biz" "baf" 3]])

(mapv (fn [[a b num]]
        {:a a
         :b b
         :num num}) input)

If you need to convert a lot of data, maybe mapv is not the best option because it will keep the whole vector in memory at once. Normal map which creates a lazy seq, or a transducer might be better in that case.

  • Great, thanks... the memory aspect is definitely good to keep in mind!
    – THX1137
    Nov 28, 2017 at 21:52
  • As for me I find this variant to be better than zipmap, because it is more refactoring-friendly and readable
    – leetwinski
    Nov 29, 2017 at 9:18
  • A minor detail: this way is also more performant than zipmap, but we're talking about 22 vs 220 ns so not likely to be noticed. Nov 29, 2017 at 11:48

A general solution:

(defn vectors->maps 
 "takes a vector of vectors containing values and a vector of keys
  and returns a vector of maps such that each value at index n in the value 
  vector is paired with each key at index n in the keys vector
  ex: (vectors->maps [["foo" "bar" 2] ["biz" "baf" 3]], [:a :b :num]) 
         => [{:a "foo", :b "bar", :num 2} {:a "biz", :b "baf", :num 3}]"
  [vectors keys] 
 (mapv (partial zipmap keys) vectors))

Exercise for the reader: writing a spec for this function and generating tests for it to ferret out any edge cases

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