Okay, so I normally use PuTTY to write and run programs on my RiPi3. I have ran this program through PuTTY just fine, but when I try to run it ON the Pi through Thonny Python or Python 3, the program will not run.

ImportError: No module named 'Adafruit_DHT'

I am trying to run this program on my Pi because I am using Tkinter and I cannot run Tkinter through PuTTY to bring up the GUI as far as I know.

I would just run the program on my PC, but I am integrating the DHT22 temperature sensor into the program, so I need the Pi.

I have gone through and installed all the newest updates and packages.

I'll remind you that this program (without Tkinter) works on PuTTY.

What is the issue here??

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


Thonny uses it's own copy of python, so things you install to the system python will not be available in thonny. You will have to use the terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T), which will give you the same interface as Putty.

BTW, you can use tkinter over ssh. You just have to use this command first:

export DISPLAY=:0

That tells tkinter to draw on the screen instead of trying to draw in the putty window.

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