I am using this page to generate some test HMAC-SHA256 hashes for some texts:
However, when I try to use the approach in this MSDN guide in my .Net Core project, I do not get the same results. Could some one explain to me how to get identical results to those I get from the previous web page in my C# code?
Here is my code:
// My own GetHash method usage:
var hashed = PasswordHelper.GetHash("Test", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("123"));
public static string GetHash(string password, byte[] salt)
// derive a 256-bit subkey (use HMACSHA1 with 10,000 iterations)
string hashed = Convert.ToBase64String(KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(
password: password,
salt: salt,
prf: KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256,
iterationCount: 10000,
numBytesRequested: 256 / 8));
return hashed;