I have implemented CLLocationManager to monitor significant location changes. So I get updates at around 500 metres or more I update it to the server. But now I need to update the location only when the user stops moving. That means if a user moves a distance 10 km and stops moving. Then it should be updated to the server, not in between.

I was able to control the location update operation at every 500 metres by checking the speed from CLLocationManager, but however for cases like if the user travels a distance of around 700 meters and getting stable at that point. The location update fails as it fails to qualify 500-meter change.

Can anyone help me with an idea so as to how to check if the user is stable at a particular point?


1 Answer 1


To register smaller movement changes, I'd refer to HealthKit instead of CLLocationManager.

For registering changes higher than that, what are you using in terms of accuracy?

You could try: self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;

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