
I'm having trouble displaying the score from my game in a text file, I have two text files, one for player details which works perfect but the other text file for scores is not appearing, after I enter the scores the time of the date modified in the scores text file is the same time I finish the game, its just the scores are not coming up. Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;

public class Project

    public static void main (String[]args) throws FileNotFoundException // This shows that the programme might encounter a file which is not there.
        String outputFileName ="players.txt";
        //Storing the name of the text file

        PrintWriter writeToFile = new PrintWriter(outputFileName);
        //This allows me to write to the text file that I've called outputFileName

        Scanner playerStringInput = new Scanner(System.in);
        Scanner playerIntInput = new Scanner(System.in);
        //Taking info from the keyboard, one is for Integers and the other is for String

        String name = " ";
        String nickName = " ";
        String homeTown = " ";
        int age = 0;
        int previousGamesPlayed = 0;
        //Declaring the variables that I'm going to use to store the inputs from the programme

        int amtOfPlayers = 2; //The amount of players we have

        for(int i = 0; i < amtOfPlayers; i++) //Loop for both players
            System.out.println("1.Please Enter Name");//Prints out instructitions for user.
            name = playerStringInput.nextLine();//Taking the input to store in name.
            writeToFile.println(name); //Outputs the data into the text file.

            System.out.println("2.Please Enter Nickname");//Printing out the nickname entered onto the screen.
            nickName = playerStringInput.nextLine(); //Taking the input to store in name.
            writeToFile.println(nickName); //Outputs the data into the text file.

            System.out.println("3.Please Enter Home Towm");//Printing out the hometown entered onto the screen.
            homeTown = playerStringInput.nextLine();//Taking the input to store in name.
            writeToFile.println(homeTown);//Outputs the data into the text file.

            System.out.println("4.Please Enter Age, this must be a number.");//Printing out the age entered onto the screen.
            age = playerIntInput.nextInt();//Taking the input to store in name.
            writeToFile.println(age);//Outputs the data into the text file.

            System.out.println("5.Please Enter Previous Games Played");//Printing out the previous games played entered onto the screen.
            previousGamesPlayed = playerIntInput.nextInt();//Taking the input to store in name.
            writeToFile.println(previousGamesPlayed);//Outputs the data into the text file.

            System.out.println("The name entered is: " + name); //Printing out the name entered onto the screen.
            System.out.println("The nickname entered is: " + nickName);//Printing out the nickname entered onto the screen.
            System.out.println("The hometown entered is: " + homeTown);//Printing out the hometown entered onto the screen.
            System.out.println("Age entered is: " + age);//Printing out the age entered onto the screen.
            System.out.println(previousGamesPlayed);//Printing out the name entered onto the screen.

        writeToFile.close(); //Close the file writer so it can write the text into the file
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);//Allows us to take input from game

        String userInput1 = " ";
        char player1Input;

        String userInput2 = " ";
        char player2Input;
        //Declaring our variables for game

        for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) //Loop for game which will loop 7 times

        System.out.println("Player 1: Please Enter e.g R for Rock:");
        System.out.println("R.Rock");//Printing out Rock as choice for game
        System.out.println("P.Paper");//Printing out Paper as choice for game
        System.out.println("S.Scissors");//Printing out Scissors as choice for game

        userInput1 = scan.next();
        player1Input = userInput1.charAt(0);

        System.out.println("Player 2: Please Enter e.g S for Scissors");
        System.out.println("R.Rock");//Printing out Rock as choice for game
        System.out.println("P.Paper");//Printing out Paper as choice for game
        System.out.println("S.Scissors");//Printing out Scissors as choice for game

        userInput2 = scan.next();
        player2Input = userInput2.charAt(0);

        switch(player1Input)//beginning of switch statement
            case 'R':  System.out.println ("Player 1:Rock");//

                    //declaring possible outcomes if player 1 choses paper
                    case'R' : System.out.println("Player 2:Rock");//
                    System.out.println("The Game Result is Draw");
                    case'P' :System.out.println("Player 2:Paper");
                    System.out.println("The Game Result is: Player 2 Wins");
                    case'S' :System.out.println("Player 2:Scissors");
                    System.out.println("The Game Result is: Player 1 Wins");
                    default: System.out.println("Invalid Option");
            break;//Terminating the loop before it goes onto the next statement

            case 'P' : System.out.println ("Player 1:Paper");
                    //declaring possible outcomes if player 1 choses Paper
                    case'R' : System.out.println("Player 2:Rock");
                    System.out.println("The game result is: Player 1 Wins");
                    case'P' :System.out.println("Player 2:Paper");
                    System.out.println("The game result is: Draw");
                    case'S' :System.out.println("Player 2:Scissors");
                    System.out.println("The Game Result is: Player 2 Wins2");
                    default: System.out.println("Invalid Option");
            break;//Terminating the loop before it goes onto the next statement

            //declaring possible outcomes if player 1 choses Scissors

            case 'S' : System.out.println ("Player 1:Scissors");
                    case'R' : System.out.println("Player 2:Rock");
                    System.out.println("The Game Result is: Player 2 Wins");
                    case'P' :System.out.println("Player 2:Paper");
                    System.out.println("The game result is: Player 1 Wins");
                    case'S' :System.out.println("Player 2:Scissors");
                    System.out.println ("The Game Result is: Draw");
                    default: System.out.println("Invalid Option");
            break;//Terminating the loop before it goes onto the next statement
        }//Ending of loop for game

        for(int h = 0; i < 2;i++);//for loop for scores, I also needed to call this int h as I already declared int I as a variable in my main method string.

        int [] arrPlayer = new int[2];//using arrays to gather players score

        System.out.println("Player 1 Please Enter Your Score");//Player 1 printing out their score
        System.out.println("Player 2 Please Enter Your Score");//Player 2 printing out their score

        System.out.println("Player 1 : Score: " + arrPlayer[0]);//Player 1 score
        System.out.println("Player 2 : Score: " + arrPlayer[1]);//Player 2 score

        String outputFileName2 ="scores.txt";
        //Storing the name of the text file

        PrintWriter writeToFile2 = new PrintWriter(outputFileName2);
        //This allows me to write to the text file that I've called outputFileName

        writeToFile.close(); //Close the file writer so it can write the text into the file

    }//End of method
}//End of class
  • Try writeToFile2.flush() writeToFile2.close()...
    – brso05
    Dec 7, 2017 at 21:56
  • If you want to clear the question please consider deleting it instead of editing everything away, thanks.
    – Zabuzard
    Dec 7, 2017 at 22:17
  • Also, for the next time, try to create a minimal reproducible example. Your code contains much which is not relevant to the specific problem.
    – Zabuzard
    Dec 7, 2017 at 22:19
  • 1
    By posting on the Stack Exchange (SE) network, you've granted a non-revocable right, under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, for SE to distribute that content (i.e. regardless of your future choices). By SE policy, the non-vandalized version of the post is the one which is distributed. Thus, any vandalism will be reverted. Please don't make more work for people by vandalizing your posts.
    – Makyen
    Dec 7, 2017 at 22:21

1 Answer 1


Your last statement should be writeToFile2.close(), not writeToFile.close(). You're closing the first file twice. The buffer is not being flushed to the file before the program ends.

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