So my setup is the following:
- Raspberry Pi working as a TCP server with boost asio c++ library;
- TCP Client running on other machine;
The communication is working fine expect for the part that I should be able to send an answer to the client request. To do so I'm using the following code:
std::cout << "\tI2C message from Arduino: " << I2CrxBuf_;
boost::asio::async_write(sock_, boost::asio::buffer( I2CrxBuf_.c_str(), sizeof(I2CrxBuf_.c_str()) ), boost::bind(&conn::h_write, shared_from_this()));
std::cout << "Passei o async_write" << std::endl;
The thing is that the message prints just fine but then it jumps to the last print without sending the message to the client, and so the client blocks.
The output in the server is the following:
I2C message from Arduino: l 1 14.88
Passei o async_write
If I send a generic message like this:
boost::asio::async_write(sock_, boost::asio::buffer( "Message recevied\n" ), boost::bind(&conn::h_write, shared_from_this()));
The client receives the message as it was expected.
I'm pretty sure the problem as to do with the way I'm converting the string to char*, but I not finding a way to make it work.
is 4 bytes. I think you meantI2CrxBuf_.size()
should really be treated as a temporary and, thus, isn't suitable for passing to an asynchronous function such asasync_write
. IfI2CrxBuf_
is in scope and unmodified for the duration of the write operation then just construct the buffer using that --boost::asio::buffer(I2CrxBuf_)