I'm trying to write a function that either accepts a list of strings, or a single string. If it's a string, then I want to convert it to an array with just the one item so I can loop over it without fear of an error.

So how do I check if the variable is an array?

  • 8
    I thought you meant to 'check if object is an array', but you want to check if 'object is an array of strings or a single string' specifically. Not sure if you see it? Or is it just me? I was thinking of something more like this... am I the one missing something here?
    – rr1g0
    Commented Jul 23, 2015 at 18:23
  • 184
    TL;DR - arr.constructor === Array is fastest.
    – Neta
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 22:37
  • 5
    jsben.ch/#/QgYAV - a benchmark for the most common ways Commented Oct 24, 2016 at 17:34
  • 57
    TL;DR - Array.isArray(arr) since ES5; and $.isArray(arr) in jQuery. Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 9:55
  • 9
    Just bear in mind that if you by any reason overwrite your constructor via prototype that arr.constructor === Array test will return false. Array.isArray(arr) still returns true though.
    – ghaschel
    Commented Feb 23, 2018 at 17:44

51 Answers 51


The method given in the ECMAScript standard to find the class of Object is to use the toString method from Object.prototype.

if(Object.prototype.toString.call(someVar) === '[object Array]') {

Or you could use typeof to test if it is a string:

if(typeof someVar === 'string') {
    someVar = [someVar];

Or if you're not concerned about performance, you could just do a concat to a new empty Array.

someVar = [].concat(someVar);

There's also the constructor which you can query directly:

if (somevar.constructor.name == "Array") {
    // do something

Check out a thorough treatment from T.J. Crowder's blog, as posted in his comment below.

Check out this benchmark to get an idea which method performs better: http://jsben.ch/#/QgYAV

From @Bharath, convert a string to an array using ES6 for the question asked:

const convertStringToArray = (object) => {
   return (typeof object === 'string') ? Array(object) : object


let m = 'bla'
let n = ['bla','Meow']
let y = convertStringToArray(m)
let z = convertStringToArray(n)
console.log('check y: '+JSON.stringify(y)) . // check y: ['bla']
console.log('check y: '+JSON.stringify(z)) . // check y: ['bla','Meow']
  • 72
    +1 Yup, toString is one of the ways to go. I do a bit of a roundup here: blog.niftysnippets.org/2010/09/say-what.html Commented Jan 23, 2011 at 18:57
  • 17
    If you don't want to type "[object Array]" use Object.prototype.toString.call( someVar ) === Object.prototype.toString.call( [] ) or make a convenience function to get type if you don't want to type Object.prototype.toString.call
    – Pramod
    Commented Mar 15, 2013 at 6:15
  • 17
    I use the vanilla Array.isArray which works in 'modern browsers' (that is, IE9+ and everyone else). And for old browser support use the shim from MDN developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 4:40
  • 30
    Live in the modern world - Array.isArray(obj)
    – mcfedr
    Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 23:53

In modern browsers you can do:


(Supported by Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, Internet Explorer 9, Opera 10.5 and Safari 5)

For backward compatibility you can add the following:

// Only implement if no native implementation is available
if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') {
  Array.isArray = function(obj) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';

If you use jQuery you can use jQuery.isArray(obj) or $.isArray(obj). If you use Underscore.js you can use _.isArray(obj).

If you don't need to detect arrays created in different frames you can also just use instanceof:

obj instanceof Array
  • 11
    Here is a more complete list of browsers that support Array.isArray Commented Dec 17, 2014 at 18:51
  • 29
    @NobleUplift: instanceof Array fails if the array is from a different frame because every array from that different frame has a different Array constructor and prototype. For compatibility/security reasons, every frame has its own global environment, and this includes global objects. The Object global from one frame is different from the Object global from another. So too for Array globals. Axel Rauschmayer talks more about this.
    – jschoi
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 7:45
  • 2
    Note that, as of 2022, this is very well supported (even back many browser versions): caniuse.com/?search=isArray And also now the fastest method: jsben.ch/QgYAV
    – Andrew
    Commented May 20, 2022 at 21:54

I would first check if your implementation supports isArray:

if (Array.isArray)
    return Array.isArray(v);

You could also try using the instanceof operator

v instanceof Array
  • 134
    v instanceof Array will return false if v was created in another frame (v is instance of thatFrame.contentWindow.Array class).
    – pepkin88
    Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 2:08
  • 48
    To be specific: Array.isArray is defined as part of ECMAScript 5/Javascript 1.8.5.
    – jevon
    Commented Oct 23, 2012 at 5:38

jQuery also offers an $.isArray() method:

var a = ["A", "AA", "AAA"];

if($.isArray(a)) {
  alert("a is an array!");
} else {
  alert("a is not an array!");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


This is the fastest among all methods (all browsers supported):

function isArray(obj){
    return !!obj && obj.constructor === Array;

Imagine you have this array below:

var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];

JavaScript (new and older browsers):

function isArray(arr) {
  return arr.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;


function isArray(arr) {
  return arr instanceof Array;


function isArray(arr) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]';

Then call it like this:


JavaScript (Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome 5+, Firefox 4+, Safari 5+, and Opera 10.5+)






Underscore.js and Lodash:


Array.isArray works fast, but it isn't supported by all versions of browsers.

So you could make an exception for others and use a universal method:

    Utils = {};
    Utils.isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?
        Array.isArray :
        function (value) {
            return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]';

A simple function to check this:

function isArray(object)
    return object.constructor === Array;
  • 17
    I'd reduce that down to one line return object.constructor === Array -- but are you sure that this will only return true for arrays?
    – mpen
    Commented Sep 4, 2012 at 18:39
  • 13
    Can do that with all boolean expressions. Drives me nuts when I see if(x) return true; else return false :-) Even if it's backwards, you should negate the expression.
    – mpen
    Commented Sep 4, 2012 at 18:52
  • 8
    This fails badly if object is undefined or null. Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 15:58

You can use Array.isArray(). Here is a polyfill:

if (Array.isArray == null) {
  Array.isArray = (arr) => Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === "[object Array]"
  • Can you elaborate a little bit? E.g., why is "Array.isArray" on both sides of the "="? "Array.isArray" is a method. What is the principle of operation? Please respond by editing (changing) your answer, not here in comments (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today). Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 20:26

As MDN says in here:

use Array.isArray or Object.prototype.toString.call to differentiate regular objects from arrays

Like this:

  • Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]', or

  • Array.isArray(arr)


There's just one line solution for this question

x instanceof Array

where x is the variable it will return true if x is an array and false if it is not.


I would make a function to test the type of object you are dealing with...

function whatAmI(me){ return Object.prototype.toString.call(me).split(/\W/)[2]; }

// tests
  whatAmI(function(ing){ return ing+" to the global window" }),
  whatAmI("going to do with you?")

// output: Array Object Function String

then you can write a simple if statement...

if(whatAmI(myVar) === "Array"){
    // do array stuff
} else { // could also check `if(whatAmI(myVar) === "String")` here to be sure
    // do string stuff

You can check the type of your variable whether it is an array with;

var myArray=[];

if(myArray instanceof Array)
  • 2
    A few people have already mentioned instanceof.. I think it fails under a few weird scenarios.
    – mpen
    Commented Jan 15, 2013 at 16:30

I do this in a very simple way. It works for me.

Array.prototype.isArray = true;

a=[]; b={};
a.isArray  // true
b.isArray  // (undefined -> false)
  • 9
    fooled by {isArray:true}
    – Bergi
    Commented Aug 7, 2015 at 7:17
  • 1
    JSON.parse(someDataFromElsewhere).items.isArray could return true (depending on the data) and break your code.
    – Roy Tinker
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 20:52

This is my attempt to improve on this answer taking into account the comments:

var isArray = myArray && myArray.constructor === Array;

It gets rid of the if/else, and accounts for the possibility of the array being null or undefined

  • constructor is not available in ES5
    – TechTurtle
    Commented Feb 21, 2017 at 17:37

The best practice is to compare it using constructor, something like this

if(some_variable.constructor === Array){
  // do something

You can use other methods too, like typeOf, converting it to a string and then comparing, but comparing it with dataType is always a better approach.


I have updated the jsperf fiddle with two alternative methods as well as error checking.

It turns out that the method defining a constant value in the 'Object' and 'Array' prototypes is faster than any of the other methods. It is a somewhat surprising result.

/* Initialisation */
Object.prototype.isArray = function() {
  return false;
Array.prototype.isArray = function() {
  return true;
Object.prototype._isArray = false;
Array.prototype._isArray = true;

var arr = ["1", "2"];
var noarr = "1";

/* Method 1 (function) */
if (arr.isArray()) document.write("arr is an array according to function<br/>");
if (!noarr.isArray()) document.write("noarr is not an array according to function<br/>");
/* Method 2 (value) - **** FASTEST ***** */
if (arr._isArray) document.write("arr is an array according to member value<br/>");
if (!noarr._isArray) document.write("noarr is not an array according to member value<br/>");

These two methods do not work if the variable takes the undefined value, but they do work if you are certain that they have a value. With regards to checking with performance in mind if a value is an array or a single value, the second method looks like a valid fast method. It is slightly faster than 'instanceof' on Chrome, twice as fast as the second best method in Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari (on my machine).


I know, that people are looking for some kind of raw JavaScript approach. But if you want think less about it, take a look at Underscore.js' isArray:


It returns true if object is an Array.

(function(){ return _.isArray(arguments); })();
=> false
=> true
  • 10
    "Unless another tag for a framework/library is also included, a pure JavaScript answer is expected." Commented Jan 9, 2016 at 21:53

The best solution I've seen is a cross-browser replacement for typeof. Check Angus Croll's solution.

The TL;DR version is below, but the article is a great discussion of the issue so you should read it if you have time.

Object.toType = function(obj) {
    return ({}).toString.call(obj).match(/\s([a-z|A-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();
// ... and usage:
Object.toType([1,2,3]); //"array" (all browsers)

// or to test...
var shouldBeAnArray = [1,2,3];
if(Object.toType(shouldBeAnArray) === 'array'){/* do stuff */};

If the only two kinds of values that could be passed to this function are a string or an array of strings, keep it simple and use a typeof check for the string possibility:

function someFunc(arg) {
    var arr = (typeof arg == "string") ? [arg] : arg;
  • Yeah... that'd work for this scenario, but not in general. Ended up using varargs anyway. :)
    – mpen
    Commented Jan 23, 2011 at 20:01

Here's my lazy approach:

if (Array.prototype.array_ === undefined) {
  Array.prototype.array_ = true;

// ...

var test = [],
    wat = {};

console.log(test.array_ === true); // true
console.log(wat.array_ === true);  // false

I know it's sacrilege to "mess with" the prototype, but it appears to perform significantly better than the recommended toString method.

Note: A pitfall of this approach is that it wont work across iframe boundaries, but for my use case this is not an issue.

  • 1
    its not better in terms of performance anymore, at least on FF30 on Ubuntu 64-bit
    – test30
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 9:40
  • 2
    fooled by wat = {array_: true} objects.
    – Bergi
    Commented Aug 7, 2015 at 7:18
  • @Bergi: Yes, that should be obvious. If you're setting obj.array_ = true, then you're only fooling yourself.
    – namuol
    Commented Aug 7, 2015 at 23:56
  • @namuol: I'm not necessarily fooling myself. Often enough objects are used as dictionaries. Think of a cache object to memoize search results which uses the search strings as property keys. What if a user searches for array_? Does your object become an array because of that? It's just a bug.
    – Bergi
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 16:15
  • @namuol: Also, this approach would require that all involved parties (including used libraries) can agree that .array_ is used for tagging arrays. That's really not the case here, .array can mean anything. You should at least use a descriptive string, and signal inappropriateness of arbitrary use, e.g. with .__isArray = true.
    – Bergi
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 16:19

This function will turn almost anything into an array:

function arr(x) {
    if(x === null || x === undefined) {
        return [];
    if(Array.isArray(x)) {
        return x;
    if(isString(x) || isNumber(x)) {
        return [x];
    if(x[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined || x.length !== undefined) {
        return Array.from(x);
    return [x];

function isString(x) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object String]"

function isNumber(x) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Number]"

It uses some newer browser features so you may want to polyfill this for maximum support.


> arr(null);
> arr(undefined)
> arr(3.14)
[ 3.14 ]
> arr(1/0)
[ Infinity ]
> gen = function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }
[Function: gen]
> arr(gen())
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
> arr([4,5,6])
[ 4, 5, 6 ]
> arr("foo")
[ 'foo' ]

N.B. strings will be converted into an array with a single element instead of an array of chars. Delete the isString check if you would prefer it the other way around.

I've used Array.isArray here because it's the most robust and also simplest.


The following could be used if you know that your object doesn't have a concat method.

var arr = [];
if (typeof arr.concat === 'function') {
    console.log("It's an array");

  • This is a good trick, but could be overridden... but most of the times should get the result
    – Alireza
    Commented Apr 9, 2017 at 13:23
var a = [], b = {};

console.log(a.constructor.name == "Array");
console.log(b.constructor.name == "Object");
  • 1
    Hi, thanks for your answer. Code only answers tend to be overlooked, would you mind adding some explanation to your code?
    – giraffesyo
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 17:12

There is a nice example in Stoyan Stefanov's book JavaScript Patterns which is supposed to handle all possible problems as well as use the ECMAScript 5 method Array.isArray().

So here it is:

if (typeof Array.isArray === "undefined") {
    Array.isArray = function (arg) {
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === "[object Array]";

By the way, if you are using jQuery, you can use its method $.isArray().

  • 2
    +1: why not just a simple if(!Array.isArray) {... ? Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 14:49

The easiest and fastest way to check if an Object is an Array or not.

var arr = [];
arr.constructor.name === 'Array'  // Returns true;


arr.constructor === Array // Returns true;

Or you can make a utility function:

const isArray = (obj) => !!obj && obj.constructor === Array;


isArray(arr); // Returns true

You could use the isArray method, but I would prefer to check with:

Object.getPrototypeOf(yourvariable) === Array.prototype

  • Why would you prefer this?
    – mpen
    Commented Feb 28, 2018 at 17:36
  • @mpen Object.getPrototypeOf(yourvariable) it returns prototype of an Array object. And The code is fastest and safe to rely on.
    – STEEL
    Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 10:32
  • 1
    It's easy to foil: pastebin.com/MP8d5bCE Also, do you have performance tests to back up your "fastest" claim?
    – mpen
    Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 23:11
function isArray(value) {
    if (value) {
        if (typeof value === 'object') {
            return (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == '[object Array]')
    return false;

var ar = ["ff","tt"]
  • An explanation would be in order. Please respond by editing (changing) your answer, not here in comments (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today). Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 20:30

A simple function for testing if an input value is an array is the following:

function isArray(value)
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]';

This works cross browser, and with older browsers. This is pulled from T.J. Crowders' blog post


You can try this:

var arr = []; (or) arr = new Array();
var obj = {}; (or) arr = new Object();

arr.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty('push') //true

obj.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty('push') // false

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