A strange thing is happening browsing a A Minimal Book Example with Chrome and Edge shows the GitBook toolbar. However when using internet Explorer 11 with windows 10 the toolbar doesn't show but is working.
Versie: 11.98.16299.0
Updateversies: 11.0.48 (1<84047206)
Initially I thought this is a browser problem till I visited bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown and the toolbar was showing using the same IE11 browser.
I expect it is in the _output.yml but can find it, the location f the css could be the root cause.
highlight: default
css: css/style.css
collapse: section
download: null
position: fixed
search: yes
facebook: no
twitter: no
google: no
weibo: no
instapper: no
vk: no
all: []
. It seems I'm getting a different source from localhost ( compared to the file output.