From C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan

& operator only applies to objects in memory: variables and array elements. It cannot be applied to expressions, constants or register variables.

Where are expressions and constants stored if not in memory? What does that quote mean?

&(2 + 3)

Why can't we take its address? Where is it stored?
Will the answer be same for C++ also since C has been its parent?

This linked question explains that such expressions are rvalue objects and all rvalue objects do not have addresses.

My question is where are these expressions stored such that their addresses can't be retrieved?

  • 10
    Expressions aren't stored anywhere, that's why you can't get their address. Same with numeric literal constants. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 9:56
  • 1
    the value of the expression is directly stored in processor's registers so it does not have a memory address which can be addressed by the & operator
    – rob_
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 9:56
  • 10
    Possible duplicate of Why is taking the address of a temporary illegal? or taking the address of a temporary object or Where are temporary object stored? or etc. However you slice it, this has been asked and answered many times. And understanding how high-level code is assembled into machine code would answer this. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 9:58
  • 1
    They are stored in memory, just not addressable memory. CPUs have working registers, flags, and even instructions with constants implied. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 18:59
  • 3
    C++ muddies the waters a bit, in that the result of an expression can be passed to a function taking a constant reference const T& or an rvalue reference T&&, and then that function can take the address of that argument if it wants to. Even if T is a simple built-in type like int! Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 19:52

5 Answers 5


Consider the following function:

unsigned sum_evens (unsigned number) {
  number &= ~1; // ~1 = 0xfffffffe (32-bit CPU)
  unsigned result = 0;
  while (number) {
    result += number;
    number -= 2;
  return result;

Now, let's play the compiler game and try to compile this by hand. I'm going to assume you're using x86 because that's what most desktop computers use. (x86 is the instruction set for Intel compatible CPUs.)

Let's go through a simple (unoptimized) version of how this routine could look like when compiled:

  and edi, 0xfffffffe ;edi is where the first argument goes
  xor eax, eax ;set register eax to 0
  cmp edi, 0 ;compare number to 0
  jz .done ;if edi = 0, jump to .done
  add eax, edi ;eax = eax + edi
  sub edi, 2 ;edi = edi - 2
  jnz .loop ;if edi != 0, go back to .loop
  ret ;return (value in eax is returned to caller)

Now, as you can see, the constants in the code (0, 2, 1) actually show up as part of the CPU instructions! In fact, 1 doesn't show up at all; the compiler (in this case, just me) already calculates ~1 and uses the result in the code.

While you can take the address of a CPU instruction, it often makes no sense to take the address of a part of it (in x86 you sometimes can, but in many other CPUs you simply cannot do this at all), and code addresses are fundamentally different from data addresses (which is why you cannot treat a function pointer (a code address) as a regular pointer (a data address)). In some CPU architectures, code addresses and data addresses are completely incompatible (although this is not the case of x86 in the way most modern OSes use it).

Do notice that while (number) is equivalent to while (number != 0). That 0 doesn't show up in the compiled code at all! It's implied by the jnz instruction (jump if not zero). This is another reason why you cannot take the address of that 0 — it doesn't have one, it's literally nowhere.

I hope this makes it clearer for you.

  • 4
    (@aaa: Drop a reference to GodBolt somewhere: godbolt.org) (and you need int result)
    – Jongware
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:14
  • 2
    The same could be said for many named variables too - they may well not exist in main memory either. That is, not until the compiler is forced to put them there because you take their address. So it's unclear why the same wouldn't apply to expressions. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:18
  • 3
    @OliverCharlesworth that applies clearly in this example, as result doesn't have an address either. However, if the compiler was forced to give it one, the semantics of how to handle the variable are clear. Constants are more awkward in that regard. But you can do ((unsigned []) {3}) if you need a pointer to a constant 3, for instance — that's well defined by the language. (At least in C; not sure about C++ here.) Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:20
  • 8
    I guess what I mean is that this answer more or less has it backwards - you're looking at the way the compiler does behave given the actual semantics of the language, and then stating that as the rationale for those semantics. But the compiler will (and could) generate whatever machine code was necessary to implement the semantics of the language - there's no intrinsic/physical reason why one couldn't take the address of expressions, etc. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 11:33
  • 6
    However, riffing off your previous comment - an answer that explained how it would be difficult to define sensible semantics (particularly in terms of lifetime) for taking the address of an expression, would be a better answer (IMO ;) Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 11:37

where are these expressions stored such that there addresses can't be retrieved?

Your question is not well-formed.

  • Conceptually

    It's like asking why people can discuss ownership of nouns but not verbs. Nouns refer to things that may (potentially) be owned, and verbs refer to actions that are performed. You can't own an action or perform a thing.

  • In terms of language specification

    Expressions are not stored in the first place, they are evaluated. They may be evaluated by the compiler, at compile time, or they may be evaluated by the processor, at run time.

  • In terms of language implementation

    Consider the statement

    int a = 0;

    This does two things: first, it declares an integer variable a. This is defined to be something whose address you can take. It's up to the compiler to do whatever makes sense on a given platform, to allow you to take the address of a.

    Secondly, it sets that variable's value to zero. This does not mean an integer with value zero exists somewhere in your compiled program. It might commonly be implemented as

    xor eax,eax

    which is to say, XOR (exclusive-or) the eax register with itself. This always results in zero, whatever was there before. However, there is no fixed object of value 0 in the compiled code to match the integer literal 0 you wrote in the source.

As an aside, when I say that a above is something whose address you can take - it's worth pointing out that it may not really have an address unless you take it. For example, the eax register used in that example doesn't have an address. If the compiler can prove the program is still correct, a can live its whole life in that register and never exist in main memory. Conversely, if you use the expression &a somewhere, the compiler will take care to create some addressable space to store a's value in.

Note for comparison that I can easily choose a different language where I can take the address of an expression.

It'll probably be interpreted, because compilation usually discards these structures once the machine-executable output replaces them. For example Python has runtime introspection and code objects.

Or I can start from LISP and extend it to provide some kind of addressof operation on S-expressions.

The key thing they both have in common is that they are not C, which as a matter of design and definition does not provide those mechanisms.

  • 3
    This plays somewhat loose with terminology - in the eyes of the language standard, "object" != "variable". A temporary is also an object. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 11:35
  • 11
    Other than that, I think this is the best answer here, so far - it's the only one that says (more or less) "because the standard says so", rather than looking at implementation details as if they were proof of an intrinsic/physical limitation. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 11:42

Such expressions end up part of the machine code. An expression 2 + 3 likely gets translated to the machine code instruction "load 5 into register A". CPU registers don't have addresses.

  • 3
    theoretically, If they end up getting translated in machine code, then they should take space in .text section. But they don't! Why is it so? Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:02
  • 2
    The same could be said for named variables, so I'm not sure this is a good explanation. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:08
  • 4
    @Gaurav: what "they"? In Lundin's example, the number 5 might appear as a literal operand as part of a larger machine code instruction. Parts of an instruction don't have addresses as well. (If you're going to nit-pick on semantics. They do but you cannot access it.) (Nitpick #2: some architectures may not store the actual number 5 as a byte on its own.) (Nitpick #3: depending on the circumstances, the number 5 may not appear at all in the instruction itself. Consider a = 5*b; which may be compiled to lea eax,[ebx+4*ebx].)
    – Jongware
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:09
  • 2
    I wasn't nitpicking. It's just out of curiosity and lack of knowledge you can say. Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:14
  • 1
    @Gaurav They do take up space in .text, but not as a sole literal, but rather as the instruction op code "load register A" followed by the number 5. If you were to read this address in .text, you would get the whole of that instruction.
    – Lundin
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:31

It does not really make sense to take the address to an expression. The closest thing you can do is a function pointer. Expressions are not stored in the same sense as variables and objects.

Expressions are stored in the actual machine code. Of course you could find the address where the expression is evaluated, but it just don't make sense to do it.

Read a bit about assembly. Expressions are stored in the text segment, while variables are stored in other segments, such as data or stack.


Another way to explain it is that expressions are cpu instructions, while variables are pure data.

One more thing to consider: The compiler often optimizes away things. Consider this code:

int x=0;

This code will probobly be optimized to:

int x=10;

So what would the address to (x+=1) mean in this case? It is not even present in the machine code, so it has - by definition - no address at all.

  • You said: "Expressions are not stored in the same sense as variables and objects.". That's my question. Where are they stored? If they are not stored anywhere then how does compiler/linker know where they are? Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 9:59
  • @Aquarius_Girl Fixed
    – klutt
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:06
  • @Aquarius_Girl: a compiler/linker does not need to know where individual expressions are stored.
    – Jongware
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:10
  • 1
    @Aquarius_Girl: that 'someone' is the CPU, when running the program. The compiler compiles, the linker fills in some important addresses such as where each function starts. From that point on, its job is done. The semantics of C do not allow pointing "into" functions (probably because it's useless).
    – Jongware
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:19
  • 1
    @Aquarius_Girl Let's treat "address" as bricks and mortar - an actual house on a street. If you give someone your address, the contents of that house could be you, or your parents, or your dog. But an expression is the process of telling the computer "go second left, third right, and it's the fifth house on the left". When you've evaluated the process, you end up at a house and you can look inside. But the process of "go second left etc." does not have a house. As for constants, "second" clearly doesn't live anywhere either.
    – Graham
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 12:51

Where are expressions and constants stored if not in memory

In some (actually many) cases, a constant expression is not stored at all. In particular, think about optimizing compilers, and see CppCon 2017: Matt Godbolt's talk “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid”

In your particular case of some C code having 2 + 3, most optimizing compilers would have constant folded that into 5, and that 5 constant might be just inside some machine code instruction (as some bitfield) of your code segment and not even have a well defined memory location. If that constant 5 was a loop limit, some compilers could have done loop unrolling, and that constant won't appear anymore in the binary code.

See also this answer, etc...

Be aware that C11 is a specification written in English. Read its n1570 standard. Read also the much bigger specification of C++11 (or later).

Taking the address of a constant is forbidden by the semantics of C (and of C++).

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