I need to flag certain tests to be skipped. However, some of the tests are parameterized and I need to be able to skip only certain of the scenarios.

I invoke the test using py.test -m "hermes_only" or py.test -m "not hermes_only" as appropriate.

Simple testcases are marked using:

def test_blah_with_hermes(self):

However, I have some parameterized tests:

outfile_scenarios = [('buildHermes'),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('prefix', outfile_scenarios)
def test_blah_build(self, prefix):

I would like a mechanism to filter the scenario list or otherwise skip certain tests if a pytest mark is defined.

More generally, how can I test for the definition of a pytest mark?

2 Answers 2


A nice solution from the documentation is this:

import pytest

    ("n", "expected"),
        (1, 2), 
        pytest.param(1, 0, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
        pytest.param(1, 3, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="some bug")),
        (2, 3), 
        (3, 4), 
        (4, 5), 
            10, 11, marks=pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 0), reason="py2k")
def test_increment(n, expected):
    assert n + 1 == expected

[Updated answer: With newer versions of python, it is now necessary to use the pattern described by @Migwell]

The documentation cited by @Migwell uses skipif but if you want to use a custom mark defined elsewhere, here is an updated version of my previous example:

import pytest

scenarios = [pytest.param('trinity', 'buildTrinity',
             pytest.param('legacy',  'buildLegacy',

@pytest.mark.parametrize('tcid, prefix', scenarios,
                         ids=[id[0] for id in scenarios])
def test_sample(self, tcid, prefix):

Additionally, custom marks should be registered to avoid PytestUknownMarkWarning complaints. In conftest.py, add the following:

def pytest_configure(config):
    config.addinivalue_line("markers", "trinity_only: Runs trinity_only tests.")
    config.addinivalue_line("markers", "legacy_only: Runs legacy_only tests.")

Alternatively, they can be registered in pytest.ini:

markers =
    trinity_only: Runs trinity_only tests.
    legacy_only: Runs legacy_only tests.

Custom marks are used by using pytest's -m option. For example, pytest -m trinity_only

I hope this addresses your problem with my original answer @adam-hoelscher


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