Here is a solution I have just had to roll out incase anybody needs this. This involves grabbing the central directory.
In my case I did not want any of the compression features that are offered in any of the zip solutions. I just wanted to know about the contents. The following code will return a ZipArchive of a listing of every entry in the zip.
It also uses a minimum amount of file access and memory allocation.
#include "TinyZip.h"
#include <cstdio>
namespace TinyZip
#define VALID_ZIP_SIGNATURE 0x04034b50
#define CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_EOCD 0x06054b50 //signature
#define PTR_OFFS(type, mem, offs) *((type*)(mem + offs)) //SHOULD BE OK
typedef struct {
unsigned int signature : 32;
unsigned int number_of_disk : 16;
unsigned int disk_where_cd_starts : 16;
unsigned int number_of_cd_records : 16;
unsigned int total_number_of_cd_records : 16;
unsigned int size_of_cd : 32;
unsigned int offset_of_start : 32;
unsigned int comment_length : 16;
} ZipEOCD;
ZipArchive* ZipArchive::GetArchive(const char *filepath)
FILE *pFile = nullptr;
#ifdef WIN32
errno_t err;
if ((err = fopen_s(&pFile, filepath, "rb")) == 0)
if ((pFile = fopen(filepath, "rb")) == NULL)
int fileSignature = 0;
//Seek to start and read zip header
fread(&fileSignature, sizeof(int), 1, pFile);
if (fileSignature != VALID_ZIP_SIGNATURE) return false;
//Grab the file size
long fileSize = 0;
long currPos = 0;
fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
fileSize = ftell(pFile);
fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
//Step back the size of the ZipEOCD
//If it doesn't have any comments, should get an instant signature match
currPos = fileSize;
int signature = 0;
while (currPos > 0)
fseek(pFile, currPos, SEEK_SET);
fread(&signature, sizeof(int), 1, pFile);
if (signature == CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_EOCD)
currPos -= sizeof(char); //step back one byte
if (currPos != 0)
fseek(pFile, currPos, SEEK_SET);
fread(&zipOECD, sizeof(ZipEOCD), 1, pFile);
long memBlockSize = fileSize - zipOECD.offset_of_start;
//Allocate zip archive of size
ZipArchive *pArchive = new ZipArchive(memBlockSize);
//Read in the whole central directory (also includes the ZipEOCD...)
fseek(pFile, zipOECD.offset_of_start, SEEK_SET);
fread((void*)pArchive->m_MemBlock, memBlockSize - 10, 1, pFile);
long currMemBlockPos = 0;
long currNullTerminatorPos = -1;
while (currMemBlockPos < memBlockSize)
int sig = PTR_OFFS(int, pArchive->m_MemBlock, currMemBlockPos);
if (sig == CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_EOCD) return pArchive;
return nullptr; //something went wrong
if (currNullTerminatorPos > 0)
pArchive->m_MemBlock[currNullTerminatorPos] = '\0';
currNullTerminatorPos = -1;
const long offsToFilenameLen = 28;
const long offsToFieldLen = 30;
const long offsetToFilename = 46;
int filenameLength = PTR_OFFS(int, pArchive->m_MemBlock, currMemBlockPos + offsToFilenameLen);
int extraFieldLen = PTR_OFFS(int, pArchive->m_MemBlock, currMemBlockPos + offsToFieldLen);
const char *pFilepath = &pArchive->m_MemBlock[currMemBlockPos + offsetToFilename];
currNullTerminatorPos = (currMemBlockPos + offsetToFilename) + filenameLength;
currMemBlockPos += (offsetToFilename + filenameLength + extraFieldLen);
return pArchive;
return nullptr;
ZipArchive::ZipArchive(long size)
m_MemBlock = new char[size];
delete[] m_MemBlock;
const std::vector<const char*> &ZipArchive::GetEntries()
return m_Entries;
#ifndef __TinyZip__
#define __TinyZip__
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace TinyZip
class ZipArchive
ZipArchive(long memBlockSize);
static ZipArchive* GetArchive(const char *filepath);
const std::vector<const char*> &GetEntries();
std::vector<const char*> m_Entries;
char *m_MemBlock;
TinyZip::ZipArchive *pArchive = TinyZip::ZipArchive::GetArchive("Scripts_unencrypt.pak");
if (pArchive != nullptr)
const std::vector<const char*> entries = pArchive->GetEntries();
for (auto entry : entries)
//do stuff