I am new to mongo and I try to obtain a group given by the identity document, the equivalent in sql would have the following form:

SELECT fecIni, idc , cic 
from db.cllAuditoria 
WHERE fecIni BETWEEN '2017-07-01T05:00:00.000Z' AND '2017-07-31T05:00:00.000Z' 
group by idc , cic

please friends, this would help me a lot I have researched from different sources without coming up with the solution, I thank you in advance.

  • can you post a sample document and expected output? also there is no aggregation on column fecIni in your SQL
    – Saravana
    Jan 12, 2018 at 3:35

1 Answer 1


Assuming U have collection like:

/* 1 */
    "_id" : ObjectId("5a58dafe1aadbcd8ae74572e"),
    "fecIni" : ISODate("2017-07-30T05:00:00.000Z"),
    "idc" : "idc 1",
    "cic" : "cic 1"

/* 2 */
    "_id" : ObjectId("5a58dc3a1aadbcd8ae745758"),
    "fecIni" : ISODate("2017-07-29T05:00:00.000Z"),
    "idc" : "idc 1",
    "cic" : "cic 1"

/* 3 */
    "_id" : ObjectId("5a58dc671aadbcd8ae74575e"),
    "fecIni" : ISODate("2017-07-28T05:00:00.000Z"),
    "idc" : "idc 1",
    "cic" : "cic 2"

Grouping by idc, cic fields could be performed by query:

        $match : { 
                fecIni: {
                    $gte: ISODate("2017-07-01T05:00:00.000Z"),
                    $lte: ISODate("2017-07-31T05:00:00.000Z")
    { $group : { _id : { "idc": "$idc", "cic" : "$cic"} } }

Outcome will looks:

/* 1 */
    "_id" : {
        "idc" : "idc 1",
        "cic" : "cic 2"

/* 2 */
    "_id" : {
        "idc" : "idc 1",
        "cic" : "cic 1"

If U want to count items in group:

        $match : { 
                fecIni: {
                    $gte: ISODate("2017-07-01T05:00:00.000Z"),
                    $lte: ISODate("2017-07-31T05:00:00.000Z")
    { $group : { 
        _id : { "idc": "$idc", "cic" : "$cic"},
        count: { $sum: 1 } 
    } }


/* 1 */
    "_id" : {
        "idc" : "idc 1",
        "cic" : "cic 2"
    "count" : 1.0

/* 2 */
    "_id" : {
        "idc" : "idc 1",
        "cic" : "cic 1"
    "count" : 2.0

Hope, it will helps U. If your data differs, please, provide example of collection and what U want to get as a result.

  • Muchas gracias amigo por compartir tu experiencia, ahora mismo iré a la aplicación con tu solución. Jan 25, 2018 at 16:38

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