I need to initialize a static bool inside of a template class and I tried to do it like this. The only difference I can see is that I have a constraint on type parameter T but this causes a compilation error, why? How can I solve this?

Code is the following:

template<class T, class = typename enable_if<is_any_integral<T>::value>::type>
class fraction {
    static bool auto_reduce;

    // ...

template<class T, class = typename enable_if<is_any_integral<T>::value>::type>
bool fraction<T>::auto_reduce = true;

And the error is:

error: nested name specifier 'fraction<T>::' for declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specialization
bool fraction<T>::auto_reduce = true;

1 Answer 1


Maybe simpler

template<class T, class V>
bool fraction<T, V>::auto_reduce = true;

When you write

template<class T, class = typename enable_if<is_any_integral<T>::value>::type>
class fraction

you say that fraction is a class with two type template paramenters; the std::enable_if if part is useful to assign a default value to the second parameter (and to permit the enable/not enable SFINAE works) but fraction is and remain a template class with two parameters, you have to cite both and there is no need to repeat the enable/not enable/default part for second parameter initializing auto_reduce.

  • But do you have to necessarily introduce V? Will template<class T, typename = void> do? Jan 15, 2018 at 18:19
  • 2
    @水飲み鳥 - take in count that V (as T) is just the name of a template parameter; you can also change names, if you want, and initialize auto_reduce as template<class A, class B> bool fraction<A, B>::auto_reduce = true;; I've named the second as V because the default value is void but is absolutely arbitrary. In class declaration you can avoid to use the name of the second parameters because isn't used (is just a SFINAE trick to enable/not enable); but externally initializing a static variable you have to reference it so you have to give it an (arbitrary) name.
    – max66
    Jan 15, 2018 at 18:25
  • @max66 Thanks for the comment. It seems that initializing the static requires the full type qualification of the class template fraction: in this case, two type parameters (as you said). Jan 15, 2018 at 18:34

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